
公司名称: 圣约翰国际拍卖有限公司

所属区域: 海外


Saint John International Auction Co., Ltd.

圣约翰国际拍卖有限公司(英文名称:Saint John International Auction Co., Ltd. ),创立于1889年在加拿大圣约翰市建立,圣约翰国际拍卖行是全球闻名最具有影响力的拍卖行之一,从事藝術品、古玩、奢侈品、尖端油画、名表、珠寶首飾等精品。在事务方面与佳士得拍卖行、苏富比拍卖行都有事务协作,因事务不断发展,公司注册地变更BVI群岛,英属维尔京群岛(The British Virgin Islands, B.V.I)。

公司人才来自全球各地,与美国纽约圣约翰大学(St.John's University)等闻名大学深化协作。此外在全球设有办事处,供给与拍卖有关的服务,包含艺术品搜集、储存及艺术图片库、联络等方面,每年在全球各地有不同类型不同专场拍卖会、展销博览会。

圣约翰(St. John's)是加拿大的一个城市和重要的国际航空港,是加拿大纽芬兰-拉布拉多省首府及最大城市。圣约翰市面向大西洋,是北美洲最东端的城市。1785年建市。以造船、修船、制糖、炼油、造纸等工业为主。圣约翰市的交通和运输非常发达,加拿大纽芬兰-拉布拉多省圣约翰斯,上海圣约翰大学,台湾圣约翰科技大学等。






In the twenty-three years of the Republic of China, a silver dollar with double sails was carved on the front and a side portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen was carved on the top. The boat on the back was sailing through the wind and waves, and the value of the silver dollar was divided left and right. In the design of coin surface, double sail coin is the source of wisdom and unique aesthetic perspective of hundreds of craftsmen. It has excellent taste, harmonious overall shape, exquisite design, and rare double sail in the market. Therefore, it has attracted thousands of collectors to collect it, which shows its value status.



Sailing coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous products of modern Chinese machine-made coins. Its fame is determined by its historicity and rarity. Surprisingly, the currency has been worn out for over a hundred years and is still treasured by folk collectors. The surface of the coin shows a slight silver luster, and through the contrast of light, it still permeates the rich "slurry" of the coin, which is the reappearance of the "track of time" formed naturally.



This Sun Yat-sen double-sail coin in the 23 years of the Republic of China is naturally grouted, carefully carved and well structured. Looking at the coin, there are obvious circulation traces on it. The surface of the coin shows a bright silver color, and the overall shape is harmonious. It is more like a unique perspective of the wisdom and aesthetics of thousands of craftsmen. So it has great collection value.



Recently, St. John's International Auction Co., Ltd. has the honor of winning a silver coin in the 23 years of the Republic of China. The front side of the coin is a portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the top ring is "23 years of the Republic of China" eight characters, the back side is a sailboat sailing pattern, about the chronological value, for the word "one circle".

