


1,红色 Red

give someone a red face 使某人感到尴尬或羞愧

His answer really gives me a red face 他的回答真的让我很尴尬。

have a red face 感到很尴尬或羞愧

She had a red face to steal her mother’s money 她为偷了妈妈的钱感到羞愧。

show someone the red card 解雇某人。

His boss finally showed him the red card 他的老板最终还是把他解雇了。

not give a red cent for something 不看好某事

His father doesn‘t give a red cent for his superstar dream 他父亲不看好他的明星梦。

not have a red cent 一文不值

The idea he presented did not have a red cent 他提出的意见毫无价值。

on red alert 处于紧急戒备状态

All the nearby hospitals are on red alert 所有附近的医院都处于紧急状态之中。

see the red light 表示意识到临近的危险

The engineer failed to see the red light 工程师没能发觉危险的迫近。

catch someone red-handed 当场;正在作案;当场抓获

She was caught red-handed stealing $100 她被当场抓获偷了100美元。

roll out the red carpet 隆重欢迎

They rolled out the red carpet for me 他们非常隆重地接待了我。

red tape 繁琐的手续、官僚作风

I’ve given up trying to get a visa; there is too much red tape involved。


a red rag to a bull 使人愤怒的东西

That kind of words is like a red rag to a bull 这种话简直就是火上浇油。

be in the red 亏损、有赤字、负债

We have spent so much money recently that our bank balance must be in the red。


paint the town red 狂欢;花天酒地

Today is Friday! Let’s paint the town red tonight 今天是周五!晚上咱们狂欢一下吧!

Neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor good red herring 不三不四、不伦不类

2,黑色 black

a black lie 用心险恶的谎言

A white lie is better than a black lie 善意的谎言总比恶意的要好。

black in the face 非常气愤

He went black in the face when I told him I had crashed his car。


In black and white 白纸黑字

It was in the agreement, in black and white 协议里都白纸黑字地写着呢。

black and blue 青一块紫一块;遍体鳞伤;伤痕累累

Whenever she refused, he’d beat her black and blue。


black ice 透明薄冰

There is black ice on many roads 很多路上都结了透明薄冰。

swear black is white 颠倒黑白,强词夺理

He would swear black is white if he thought it would further his career。


black spot 交通事故多发地段,不景气地区

The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43。


Two blacks don’t make a white 错上加错不是对。

as black as thunder 面带怒容,脸色阴森的

He looked as black as thunder 他脸色阴沉,好像要大发脾气的样子。

as black as one is painted 多坏有多坏

He is not as black as he is painted 他并不像人们所说的那样坏。

black sheep (of the family) 败家子;有辱门第的人

She never went to college, she’s the black sheep of the family。


3,白色 white

white elephant 昂贵而无用的东西

This new furniture is absolutely an expensive white elephant。


hang out the white flag 认输、投降

The besieged city at length hung out the white flag 被围城市终于投降了。

white lie 善意的谎言

When Helen asked me if I liked her dress, I told her a white lie so she wouldn‘t feel bad。


white war 不流血的战争,常指“经济竞争”

What we face is the white war today 今天我们面临的是没有硝烟的战争。

white night 不眠之夜

He spent a white night 他度过了一个不眠之夜。

white coffee 牛奶咖啡

Wayne has a large White coffee in front of him 韦恩面前摆着一大杯牛奶咖啡。

a very white man 非常忠实可靠的人

Mr。 Brown is a very white man 布朗先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。

bleed someone white 榨尽某人的钱财

The tax man is trying to bleed me white 税务员正想榨干我的血汗钱。

white hope 被指望大可获得成功的人或物

He was once the great white hope of British boxing 他曾一度是英国拳击的希望所在。

white about the gills 非常害怕

He looked white about the gills when he saw a black shadow in the moon light。


4,蓝色 blue

out of the blue 出乎意外地

He got mad at me out of blue 他毫无征兆地突然冲我发火。

have the blues 情绪不好,难过或失落

Bob‘s dog died last week and he’s been feeling blue ever since。

Bob 的狗上周去世了,他之后情绪一直都不好。

vanish into the blue 突然消失

When he saw her, all his worries vanished into the blue。


a bolt from the blue 意外事件

His sudden death came as a bolt from the blue 他的突然去世犹如晴天霹雳。

blue devils 忧愁、沮丧

Being out of health, she was sorely afflicted with the blue devils。


blue blood 贵族血统;名门望族

Though poor, he was blue blood in his veins 他人虽穷,出身却高贵。

true blue 守旧派

Her husband is a true blue Tory 她丈夫是坚定的保守党党员。

make the air turn blue 大骂不止,怒骂

When he saw what she had done, he made the air turn blue。


scream blue murder 大喊大叫,大声惊呼

When the doctor stuck the needle into her arm, the child screamed blue murder。


sb’s blue-eyed boy 某人眼中的红人

He was the media’s blue-eyed boy 他是媒体的宠儿。

blue funk 极度的惊恐,非常焦虑

He was in a blue funk! Worse than me! 他神经极为紧张!比我还糟!

talk a blue streak 滔滔不绝地说

Those workers cans ure talk a blue streak 那些工人们可以连续不断地聊个没完。

once in a blue moon 千载难逢,极少

We go out once in a blue moon 我们难得出去玩。

5,绿色 green

green with envy 妒忌

Tom was green with envy with his brother’s new toy car


give / get the green light 批准/ 获得批准

The government has given the green light in providing free schools to the poor refugee children


I got the green light from my boss to begin the project


to be green 稚嫩

He can be rather green sometimes, I don’t think he’s ready to be promoted to a higher position yet


green hand 新手

She is a green hand at such things 做这样的事,她是个新手。

as green as grass 幼稚的,易受骗的

When she left school and started her first job, she was as green as grass。


green in my eye 我容易受骗的样子

Do you see any green in my eye? 你看我是否经验不够?

green old age 老当益壮

He has occupied a couple of years of green old age in writing a book。


green power 金钱的力量

green power istoo important for him 金钱的力量对他太重要了。

green thumb / fingers 园艺手艺

My husband has a green thumb and is a very patient person


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence。 邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好。(也可以表示别人的东西或处境好像总比自己的好)。

6,灰色 grey

the men in grey suits 幕后操纵者

The police finally found the men in grey suits for this case。


grey matter = little grey cells 头脑、智力

If you use your grey matter/ little grey cells, you can solve this math problem


grey area 灰色地带、没有确定的范围

There is no gray area in Jerry’s world 在Jerry的世界里,没有灰色地带。

get grey hair from 因。。。而烦恼不安

He got grey hair from the debt of his company 他因公司的债务问题烦恼不安。

give grey hair to 使。。。烦恼不堪

The debt of his company give grey hair to him 公司的债务问题让他烦恼不堪。

7,黄色 yellow

a yellow streak ( down one’s back ) 怯弱

He has a yellow streak 他个性有点懦弱。

yellow Journalism 夸张或耸人听闻的报章报道

Many magazines use yellow Journalism to sell copy。


yellow pages 黄页(指分类电话簿)

I can find travel agent in the yellow pages 我可以在黄页上找到旅行社代理。

8,褐色 brown

( as ) brown as a berry 黝黑的

The sunbed make me as brown as a berry 日光浴把我晒得黝黑。

a brown study 沉思、遐想

I didn’t speak to him as he seemed to be in a brown study


9,紫色 purple

a purple patch 词藻华丽的段落、故弄玄虚之处

The actor is now having a purple patch but he does not know how long it will last


born to/ in the purple 出生王室或贵族

Those born to/ in the purple are destined to live in the public eye。


marry in/ into the purple 嫁入王室

Many girls want to marry in/ into the purple 很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。

10,粉红色 pink

be tickled pink 很满意

We hope you‘ll be tickled pink!我们希望你能使人开心

be in the pink 红润健康

A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink 一杯红酒有益健康。

pink of perfection 状态极佳

Their new cook seems to be the pink of perfection 他们的新厨师看来是好到了极点。

pink slip 解雇通知书

He told them they’d better shape up or they’ll get a pink slip 。


strike me pink 真见鬼;真让人吃惊

Well, strike me pink, you didn’t know your aunt was dead?



