

audience [the people who come to a place to see or hear some­thing]

n. 听众,观众

The audience enjoyed the movie.

A: The audience didn't like the music.

B: Well, the music was bad.

beach [the place near the ocean where people go in the summer to swim and get some sun] n. 海滨

Many expensive hotels are near the beach.

A: Where will you go this summer?

B: To the beach for a month.

bench [a long chair for a few people, sometimes made of stone] n. 长凳,板凳

Old men sit on the benches and read newspapers.

A: Are there benches at the bus stops?

B: Only at some of them.

boring [not interesting]a. 枯燥的

It is boring to work in a factory.

A: I think children's story books are boring.

B: I don't. I think they're interesting.

concert [when some people sing or play music for an audience]

I have tickets for the concert tomorrow.

A: Did you enjoy the concert?

B: Yes, the music was nice.

funny [something is funny if it makes you laugh]a. 滑稽的,好笑的

Children can make funny faces.

A: Do you know a funny story ?

B: No. I only know a sad story.

golf [a sport].n. 高尔夫球 vi. 打高尔夫球

My husband never plays golf in the ram.

A: Did you play golf on your vacation? ,

B: Yes. Every day.

hobby [something that a person does in his free time because he enjoys it]n. 嗜好,兴趣

My grandfather's hobby is bird watching.

A: Is photography a good hobby?

B: Yes, but it's expensive.

