
Best Clutch-Time Player Efficiency Rating from the past season, Lebron's gap is quite huge.



[–]helloworldkittycats 386 指標 12小時前*

What if Bron and Kyrie were on the same team? Could you imagine the kind of security blanket?


[–]CavaliersMuffinatin 261 指標 11小時前

Damn they could probably pull off some crazy comebacks


[–]Warriors Bandwagonijudgekids 205 指標 11小時前

Maybe from 2:0 or 3:2. There is no way they could pull from 3:1


[–]ClippersBEEEEEEEEWBS 103 指標 11小時前

But I bet they can't do it in the Finals against the Golden State


[–]RaptorsThe_Natural_Log 137 指標 11小時前

If they somehow beat GS in the Finals with a 3-1 comeback (which is impossible), the only way GS could save face is if they signed an MVP, like Kevin Durant, which again, would never happen.


[–][HOU] Clint CapelaDickInLebronsAss 82 指標 10小時前

imagine if they easily run through the playoffs for a few years and then they sign someone like demarcus cousins


[–]RocketsHyperactivity786 290 指標 16小時前

Cavs were a REALLY good clutch team last year, and as you would expect LeBron was ridiculously good in the clutch last year.


[–]CavaliersFL14 69 指標 10小時前

It was remarkable how calm LeBron was in clutch time. There were points in the season where we just knew he'd make the crucial shot to either tie or break a tie for the lead. He hit, what, 7 game winners last season? It was amazing.


[–]MisterHibachi 63 指標 10小時前

LeBron's a cheat code in that he's at a point mentally where's he's seen everything an NBA team can throw at him in every possible situation but he still is close to the height of his physical powers. Most players when they have LeBron's command of the game (which aren't many) are too broken down physically to do anything with it.


LeBron's staved off the physical decline while accelerating the mental progress. It's a cheat code. It's also the reason why LeBron plays better in a series the longer it goes.


[–]Banner_Hammer 113 指標 12小時前

But n0 cLuTCh g3n3!!!!


[–]LakersMedievalGynecologist 56 指標 12小時前

Genuine question, do people still say this? I haven't heard this take from a semi rational person in years


[–]morfenstein 50 指標 12小時前

My brother only watches warriors games and we’ve definitely had the argument recently :/

我兄弟只看勇士的比赛,我们最近为了这件事还争论了一番 :/

[–]LakersMedievalGynecologist 40 指標 12小時前

Did he watch the finals? LeBron was an absolute monster, but I suppose since he didn't win you could convince yourself he's not clutch.


[–]morfenstein 44 指標 11小時前

Exactly. And he’s biased against him so he probably believes stuff he hears from Skip.

对呀。而且他对老詹有偏见,所以他估计相信Skip Bayless(美国第一詹黑)说的东西.

[–]KingsIswaterreallywet 19 指標 12小時前

I mean their are people on the internet that like to march around and say it but I don’t think any of them have an IQ above 50.

Also, I don’t know if you saw Skips reaction after those game winning shots in the postseason but his excuses for why Lebron still isn’t clutch were the dumbest things I’ve probably ever seen. It makes you wonder how he gets paid to talk about sports


而且我不知道你看没看Skip Bayless在老詹季后赛绝杀后的反应,但是他对老詹为什么没大心脏的解释应该是我见过的最蠢的东西了。有时候我真的不知道为啥会有人给他钱让他评论体育。

[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 181 指標 17小時前

LeBron and AD are Klutch, the other guys are regular clutch


[译注1]指代老詹和浓眉签约的体育经济公司Klutch Sports。

[–]JMess007 36 指標 12小時前

Surprised Dame ain't on this list


[–]Lakersimadogg 16 指標 9小時前

Anecdotally speaking with no stats at hand to back it up, Dame just seemed off last year to me more often than ever. I used to say he was AUTOMATIC but feel like I saw several times where he didn't come through at the end.


[–]Warriorsgoshdarnyou 11 指標 11小時前

Could these 5 beat the Warriors?


[–]Raptorsliamliam1234liam 11 指標 11小時前

Tough to say. They individually have more overall talent, but the spacing would be trash.


[–]klawhileonard 16 指標 6小時前

This is literally the most overused argument ever when asking if a hypothetical team can beat the warriors. Just because they’re not 5 Steph Currys doesn’t mean players like Lebron Kyrie and even AD aren’t competent 3 shooters that can provide spacing if needed. It’s not like it’s 5 Ben Simmons out there


[–]ma-key-in 50 指標 12小時前

Why he didn’t win MVP is a mystery.


[–]Jackalope0331 52 指標 11小時前

We take LeBron for granted, we’re just used to him being absolutely dominant and don’t give him the accolades he deserves.


[–][BOS] Tayshaun PrinceCelticsfor18th 27 指標 10小時前

Because he had a month with the worst +/- in the entire NBA while Harden led the team with by far the best record and was statistically superior as well? The only argument I can see for LeBron over Harden is that he played 10 more games which is a fair point but Harden was better in the time he played in and it shouldn’t be a mystery.


[–]Sneaky___ 18 指標 10小時前

Because James harden was just as good as lebron and was on a team that finished better.

You can debate what the true meaning of what MVP should be(I think we've been doing it wrong), but if you really can't see why James Harden won it, then IDK what to tell you



[–]sapphiretears_ 65 指標 17小時前

now try a stat that’s not terrible


[–]Heatqwerty7990 23 指標 17小時前

Lol since when was PER terrible? Are you trying to say that this post is misrepresenting LeBron as the best clutch player in the league? Did you even watch last season?


[–]sapphiretears_ 92 指標 17小時前

PER is like the worst “advanced” stat in basketball i thought this was common knowledge


[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 120 指標 17小時前

PER was created heuristically. It was basically John Hollinger assigning weights to things as he saw fit. Now we have things like BPM (box plus minus). BPM is based off of RAPM (regularized adjusted plus minus) to assign it’s weights.

效率值(PER)是一边试一边改这么弄出来的。差不多就是John Hollinger根据他的经验给不同数据不同的比重,没有那么精细。现在我们有了综合正负值(BPM)啊。综合正负值是根据 RAPM(调整后的正负值)来给数据不同的比重的。

RAPM takes play by play data to get all of the players on the court and track point differential to see how each player effects plus minus while taking into account who is on the court with them. For BPM they calculated RAPM for player’s using 14 years of data and then found how much box score stats correlate to RAPM. The goal here is 1) to estimate RAPM for players before play by play is available (late 90’s) 2) have a sort of computational shortcut for current players.


TLDR: PER was calculated by a sort of common sense approach, while more modern metrics like BPM derive their coefficients from a legitimate statistical process.


[–][GSW] Klay ThompsonMrVanillaIceTCube 75 指標 13小時前

A 30 PER season has only been done 20 times in NBA history. Wilt has the record, with 31.8.

According to Hollinger, a PER of 10 corresponds to a fringe roster player, a PER of 30 corresponds to a strong/runaway MVP candidate. 50 is way off the charts.

PER is kinda dumb but still, this is pretty nuts.




[–]Supersonicsjessezoidenberg 39 指標 12小時前

honestly, this makes me question the validity of using PER with these constraints more than anything else


[–][GSW] Harrison Barnesgatx370 24 指標 11小時前

I mean using PER in this situation is about as valid as using Per 36 on the final five minutes of the game, so however you would interpret that, it’s about the same


