

是衡量一个人好坏的标准;It is a standard to judge a person's good or bad.


是决定一个人成败的关键。It is the key to a person's success or failure.


是一个人最强大的靠山,It is a man's most powerful backing.

是一个人最厉害的武器。Is the most powerful weapon of a person.


人品好的人,Good character,

遇事有人帮助,做事有人支持。When someone is in trouble, there is help and support.

人品差的人,Poor people,

有难无人肯扶,做事无人认同。No one is willing to help.


人这辈子,什么最值钱?What is the most valuable thing in life?

身价会跌,财富会散,The price will fall, and the wealth will be scattered.

唯有良好的人品,Only good character,

永远不会衰败。Will never decay.

人品是黄金,经得起考验;Character is gold and can stand the test.

人品是珍宝,没人敢伤害。Character is a treasure. No one dares to hurt it.


人活一世,People live for a lifetime.

人品越好,修养越高;The better the character, the higher the accomplishment;

修养越高,格局越大;The higher the training, the bigger the pattern.

格局越大,人脉越广;The larger the pattern, the wider the connections.

人脉越广,机会越多;The wider the connections, the more opportunities.

机会越多,成功越近!The more chances, the more successful!


好人品,Good character,

是一个人最大的财富,It is a man's greatest wealth.

是一个人最高的学历。It is the highest qualification of a person.


可以没钱没势,It can be without money.

但一定要有德有品。But there must be virtue and quality.

可以普通如草,It can be as common as grass.

但一定要稳重如山。But we must be as steady as a mountain.

外表上的美丑不重要,Beauty and ugliness on the surface are not important.

重要的是内心善良。What matters is inner kindness.

说话要言而有信,做事要踏踏实实,Speak with faith and do things steadfastly.

待人要真诚热情,为人要善良端正!Treat others sincerely and enthusiastically, be kind and upright.


好人品,就是有人格魅力。Good personality is personal charisma.


穷时,骨气不能丢,When you are poor, you cannot lose your backbone.

富时,良心不能无。In time of prosperity, conscience is indispensable.

成时,谦虚要保留,In time, humility must be preserved.

败时,勇气要稳住。When defeated, courage must be stabilized.

身在闹市时,要一心向善,When you are in a busy market, try to be all kind to yourself.

人在深山中,要学会知足。People must learn to be content when they are in the mountains.

欠债还钱,天经地义,Debt repayment is perfectly justified.

说话算数,言出必行!Speak and do what you say.

怎么借钱,就怎么还钱,How to borrow money, and how to repay it.

笑着求人帮忙,Asking for help with a smile.

过后也要笑着说声感谢,After that, smile and say thank you.

别装着笑脸去借钱,Don't put on a smiling face to borrow money.

带上怒气去还钱!Take your anger and pay for it!


此生为人,This life is human.

就要做一个好人。Be a good man.

如果人品坏掉了,If the character is broken,

就算再有钱,再厉害,Even if you have more money, it will be more powerful.

也不得人心,It is also unpopular.

生活受到影响,前途充满阻碍;Life is affected and future is full of obstacles.

干什么都不顺,做什么都困难。It's hard to do anything. It's hard to do anything.


人,一定要学聪明点,People must learn to be smart.

守好人品这块黄金,Keep this gold in character.

看好人品这块宝贝。Look at this character.

老实本分的做人,An honest person,

坦坦荡荡的做事,Frank and honest in doing things.

心有善念,人有信用,The heart has good thoughts, and people have credit.

才能赢得众人的尊重,In order to win everyone's respect.

才能活好短暂的一生。To live a short life.



