


1. 我想問你要光,大量大量的光,這樣,當夜來臨, 我不會害怕在黑暗中睡去。

2. 我想問你要一個滿滿的水箱,像我祖輩的食櫥那樣堆滿, 這樣, 我不必吹亮我腹部的餘燼, 我不需要咬我妻子的乳房。

3. 我想問你要從容的良知和一種冷靜的信念, 有關世界是一個平滑的平面, 而我將不會在一座我目力不及峰頂的山上駐足,不會在一片不見底的海水中游泳。

4. 我想問你要一輛白色的大凱迪拉克, 僅僅因為它在那兒, 他會使我免於此生所有的危險, 禮拜天, 我可能會清洗, 撫摸它的翼板。

5. 我想問你要我已經部分要求過的東西:成功, 持續,可靠的成功, 這樣, 在你遺忘的日子裡, 我自己可以照料我的家庭和我自己, 可以填滿冰箱和蓄水池。

6. 我想問你要一堆計劃出生的小孩, 讓他們如同雨後的蘑菇,從土裡湧出,而我, 只需在他們成熟時,收集, 雙臂摟滿。

7. 我想問你要一個人,當我疲憊不堪,一身冰涼地返家,當漫長的白日已盡,我返回已鋪好床的帳篷,他將撥旺我床上的火。

8. 我想要你每天給我一個完滿的記號, 不需要太大, 一個細小的印記就是我要的全部, 比如, 如同我口袋裡的一個洞,鈔票和硬幣無論如何都不會掉落到街上,相反地,它們掉落到我長褲裡的某處,這樣, 我可以毫無擔憂地躺下,醒著, 什麼也無法動搖我對你的信念。

9. 我想在我生病的日子裡, 問你要一陣笑聲;在我即將死去的時候, 問你要大聲的鬨笑。

10. 我想要停止思來想去,高速並且高效,這樣我終於能夠闔上雙眼, 睡去。

作者 / [斯洛文尼亞] 阿萊士·施蒂格

翻譯 / 梁儷真

10 Requests for a Good Night

1. I want to ask You for light, lots and lots of morning light, so that, come night, I won't be afraid to fall asleep in the dark.

2. I want to ask You for a full fridge, the way the larders of my ancestors were full, so I won't have to blow on the embers in my belly, I won't have to gnaw on the breasts of my wife.

3. I want to ask You for an easy conscience and a cool faith that the world is a flat and smooth plane and that I will nowhere have to set foot on a mountain whose summit I can't see, swim in a sea whose bottom I do not see.

4. I want to ask You for a big white Caddy, that with its just being there it may keep me safe from all the dangers of this life, whose wings I might wash and caress on the Lord's Day.

5. I want to ask You for something I've partly asked for already: for success, for constant, solid success, so that on days when You forget, I can myself take care of my family and myself, can fill the fridge up and the reservoir.

6. I want to ask You for a throng of children to a plan, that they may spring up from the earth like mushrooms after rain, and I just need to gather them ripe and cart them around in my arms.

7. I want to ask You for someone to stoke the fires in my bed when I come home tired and cold, the long day done, back to the tent, of bed-sheets made.

8. I want to ask You that You give me every day a sign of fullness, nothing big, a tiny sign is all I'm asking, a hole in my pocket, for instance, through which however the money does not fall on the street, it falls inside my pants somewhere instead, this so that I may lie awake without worry, so that nothing sway my faith in You.

9. I want to ask for laughter in the days of my sickness and for loud guffaws when it's time for me to die.

10. I want to ask to be without second thoughts, fast and efficient, so that I can finally shut my eyes and go to sleep.

Translated by Tom Ložar





“信仰”完成了嗎,顯然沒有:“我想要停止思來想去,高速並且高效,這樣我終於能夠闔上雙眼, 睡去。”,“我”最終還是放棄了,並徹底接受了裹挾著不安、竭慮、矛盾、荊棘的渴望。這最後一項要求,成為了一種無效抵抗。


今晚的題圖來自羅馬西亞畫家George Stefanescu創作的《Jesus》。他,聽到了嗎。


薦詩 / 祭祀


回覆 朗讀 或點擊閱讀原文,可至喜馬拉雅電臺讀睡首頁,收聽張鐸瀚、五重、迷狐、錫兵、某四、天水、喜多卉、阿殼、冬瓜糖、祭祀的朗讀,配樂是 Bucky Pizzarelli - Moonglow、燭鷷大魔王 - 百 鬼 夜 行.[Mashup]。


題圖 / George Stefanescu, Jesus, 1999

第1910日值守 / 祭祀

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