四叶美睫中心 福建


▼通高的入口区域,full-height lobby

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

“有一株白桦,立在我窗旁,覆盖着积雪,像披着银霜。” 设计师将自然引入室内空间、大片白墙比作积雪,一片白桦林分割了前台与休闲区。巧妙的设计使空间充满纯洁,朦胧,充满宁静的美。

“There is a white birch standing by my window, which is covered with snowlike a silver cream.” An introduction of nature into the interior space and a large white wall compared to snow makes the space pure and hazy. At the same time, a birch forest splits the front desk and recreation area, making the room be full of quiet beauty.

▼白桦林分割了前台与休闲区,a birch forest splitsthe front desk and recreation area

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

▼ 旋转楼梯,spiral staircases

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计


The exuberant tree, which is not made of wood, flaps down its leaves. With the box as the element and milk white as the keynote.


四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

▼精心选择的小配件使空间充满趣味性,以框景的手法把芭蕉带入室内,the well-chosen gadgets make the space be full of fun, moreover, the banana is brought indoors by en-framed scenery approach

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计


Each room is staggered by the plants, becoming an independent Box.

▼ 一层休息区,rest area of the first floor

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

▼房间内的落地玻璃窗也相互错开,保证了隐私同时也将景致倒映成房间内的一幅画,the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room are also staggered to ensure the privacy and make the reflection of the scene into a picture in the room as well

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

▼卫生间粉色的瓷砖搭配春意盎然的绿植,如同爱丽丝的梦幻奇境,the pink tile in bathroom is matched with spring green plants, which is like Alice’s Wonderland.

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计


四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

四叶美睫中心 福建 / 十上设计

