
一句話瑜伽,第113期Irene:每一次我把一個放到一個位置上,並尊敬他們作為啟蒙者,都是失望的。Everytime I have placed someone on a pedestal and revered them as enlightened I have been disappointed.

我們自然的去相信其他人都有我們苦苦追尋的答案。It must be in our nature to believe that someone else has all the answers that we so desperately seek.

但事實是,我們都是人類,毫無疑問。But the truth is we are all human,no more no less.

而當其他人可以幫助我們朝正確的方向發展時。And while other people can help steer us in the right direction .

唯一一個握著答案的人是你自己。the only person that holds your answers is you.

別人的答案不一定對,也許只是你想要的答案。Other people's answers may not be right. Maybe they are just the answers you want.

既然是你自己一廂情願的答案,為什麼還要繞一大圈?Since it is your own wishful thinking, why do we have to make a big circle?

把自己放在一個安靜的位置,去尋找屬於自己的答案。Put yourself in a quiet position to find your own answer.

