
一句話瑜伽,第128期Talia:你必須為自己騰出時間。偶爾把房子弄得一團糟,躺在床上閉上眼睛,聽你最喜歡的歌。You have to take time for yourself.Leave the house a mess once in a while and just lay in yr bed andclose yr eyes and listen to yr favoritesong.

把浴缸裝滿,然後做個儀式。加入精油和皂,真正享受皮膚上的水分。Fill up the bath and make a ritual out of it.Add your oils and soaps and really enjoy the feeling of the water on your skin.

花點時間,為你自己,只為你自己。Take time.For yourself.Just for yourself.

沒有斤斤計較或感到內疚。閱讀你的書。在茶上啜飲。忽略電話。無須隱藏自己。Without measuring or counting or feeling guilty.Read your book.Sip on the tea.Ignore the phone.Allow yourself to be discovered.

當我在大自然中度過的時候,我發現我的靈魂擴展了呼吸的方式。When I spend time in nature,I find that my soul expands the way breath does.

我的整個生命都在伸展,在我的身體裡隨著它輕盈的移動穿梭。My whole being stretches.I am present in my body as it moves and through that lightness.

在一些沙裡,在風之舞裡,似乎對我的心輕吟令我見證奇蹟。I witness the miracle of life in a grain of sand and in the dance of the wind as it whispers to my heart.

