

如果問中國人歷史有多少年,正常都會回答上下五千年。對於這五千年,外國人是怎麼看?美版知乎有人問這麼個問題:“Why do Chinese people always like to point out that China has a 5,000 year old history when in fact it is the same for pretty much everywhere on Earth?


Judith Meyer, Reading Chinese novels and visited China Living and working in Berlin(一個生活在柏林的能讀中國小說併到過中國的德國人):

  Because the Chinese identify more with their early history than other places do. For example, French students learn about "the Romans", not "the French nation in 50 BC". Already the naming shows that we consider them a people apart, a people that gave us interesting ideas for sure but not a natural part of our own nation states. For China, the history of "our people" really goes back thousands of years.


  One of the unifying bands is the written Chinese language. It has changed less than European languages have. Plus the Chinese language is littered with phrases and expressions that were coined hundreds of years before Christ was born.


  There is also more awareness. Every Chinese child can recite by heart and understand poems that are 1400 years old (try that with Shakespeare, and he's much more recent).


  The final reason is that Chinese politicians play it up as a matter of national pride. For example, when China was recently criticized in the foreign news, a Chinese leader said "Whilst monkeys cry incessantly from bank to bank, I have already sailed past a myriad of mountains". This is not just a put-down of the foreign criticism and a declaration that China is already much more advanced, it's also two lines from a Tang dynasty poem that every Chinese person knows (早發白帝城, "Early start from Baidi" by poet Li Bai) - a not-too-subtle hint that China had world class poetry while Europe was overrun by barbarians.


Andy Lee Chaisiri, in Beijing(北京的Andy Lee Chaisiri):

  Because Chinese identified more by history than by religion


  Westerners traditionally identified themselves by their religious beliefs and traced back their lineage to the creation of the world. When medieval Europeans talked about their identity, they talked about 'Christendom'.


  Chinese though have traditionally given little thought to creation stories and focus more on social happenings and historic events. Where Abrahemic religions will talk about the coming of messiahs to define their place in time, Chinese will talk about a particular emperor who founded a particular dynasty.


  In the 21st century though most westerners have moved away from identifying their nation with their religion. As more Westerners seek out a secular measure of their identity though you'll probably see more people talk about how "the Romans never really fell because...", measuring identity like Chinese do today.


Dan Volkman:

Everywhere there is history. You are right to say that almost every place has a 5000 year history, but for China it has been almost constant. The Chinese have been relatively in the same place for 5000 years. They have grown from the same culture for quite awhile as well. They excelled much throughout their history, inventing things hundreds of years before the Europeans even thought of it.


  Although explaining every single piece of Chinese history would take years, to put is efficiently: they have survived until this point in time through failures of government, colonialism, and even genocide. They invented gun powder, fireworks, paper (and paper armor, might I add), and knew America existed before Columbus decided to set sail and wipe out thousands of Native Americans for gold.


  Portions of Chinese philosophy and philosophical interpretations still exist today through Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and the intermixing of different cultures. And if that isn't enough, there are over 50 plus other ethnic Chinese cultures that exist in China that vary so much amongst each other.


  For example, the Uygur are Muslims who are historically Chinese. The Chinese found in Nei Mongol are actually originally from Mongolia, and still live in the grassland areas (albeit with some electricity). The Miao people are the only Chinese ethnic group allowed to use and carry guns in China.


  The problem I have with this question and with you is that you are phrasing it as a way to insult the Chinese. You are basically asking, "How dare the Chinese brag about 5000 years of history, when other people have histories just as better as they do, if not entirely better."


  So let me take back what I said in the beginning. You are not right about the 5000 year history. Considering evidence has gone all the way back to 7000 BC of China's historical existence, I would say it is rather a 9000 year history (OVER 9000!!!!!!!!).



Jin Yuna(這個好像是中國妹紙):

  Unfortunately, no one here points out that this question itself is incomplete, and even wrong. In addition, history of culture is totally different from history of civilization.


  In fact, 5000-years history, often mentioned by Chinese people, is the history of civilization, though the length is still controversial due to different standards.


  For me, I agree with the generally accepted view that China has a 5000-year history of culture and a 3600-years history of civilization(from 1600 BC).


  Though China's history of civilization starts from 1600 BC, lastest among the four major ancient civilizations, it is the longest consistent civilization in the human story so far.


  Shouldn't Chinese people be proud of our great history of civilization?


Matthew Sutton, Artist / Structural Engineer(畢業於斯坦福的一個藝術家/建築工程師):

  Because the Chinese people can look back at 5000yrs of (more or less) continuous recorded history. Sure, humans have walked the earth since paleolithic times but the Chinese can tell you the names of kings and capitals older than the Egyptian pyramids--and it's their own history. That's slightly different than Europeans tracing their history back to Italy-->Greece-->Egypt-->Near East.

  That a people can draw from that much of their own regional history is pretty astounding when you think about it.


