【学英语】How much can a crown be worth

【学英语】How much can a crown be worth

“How much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king?”

― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows


--乔治 R.R. 马丁,冰与火之歌 第四卷 群鸦盛宴


dine upon (something)

解释:to eat something as a meal (以某物为食)

例句:We dined on salmon and strawberries.




It means that power and success mean nothing in this world when you consider that we are all in the same situation when we die.


The king may wear a crown in life, but in death a crow can eat his dead body (the image is of the body of a defeated king a battlefield and a crow might come to feed on it).


