英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

price check: 价格检查

register: a cash register 现金出纳机,现金收入记录机,register three就是三号收银台,这里的背景是超市里的广播通知员工去三号收银台检查下价格;

英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

drive: to bring into a particular condition 使进入某种状态;

That noise is driving me crazy! (噪音要把我疯了!)----韦氏词典

nuts: crazy 发疯的,发狂的

"You guys are acting nuts, so the party's off." (你们俩都了,所以派对取消)----《恋爱手册》

"What? Are you nuts?" (什么?你了吗?)----美剧《老友记》

英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

mansion: a very large house 宅第,公馆;大厦

"You live in a mansion and you drive a Ferrari." (你住的是豪宅,开的是法拉利)----美剧《新飞跃比弗利》

英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

despise 美 [dɪ'spaɪz]: to dislike and have a low opinion of someone or something 鄙视,看不起,藐视

"I can't help it, I despise people who despise

me." (我控制不住,我鄙视任何鄙视我的人)----《乌鸦》

"My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are despised." (我朋友Robert住在一个厌恶蜗牛的国家中)----《新概念英语》

That's all for today

May 11, 2018. XOXO

英语 You are acting nuts “你表现得像坚果”是什么鬼

