


Resist-a-ball 健身球Aerobics 健美操Yoga 瑜伽Kick Boxing 搏擊操Hip Hop 街舞Step 踏板操Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏擊操Pilates 普拉提課程Powerflex 有氧槓鈴操Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操Spinning 動感單車Ballet 芭蕾形體Martial Arts 武術Abs/Back 腰腹


Swimming Pool 游泳池Abdominal Crunches 腹部塑形Cardiovascular Machines 心肺功能訓練區Free-weight Advanced Training Center Machines Area 自由重量訓練區Selectorized Equipment 等重量區Personal Training Services 私人教練服務Massage & Spa 運動恢復按摩服務/桑拿和蒸汽浴Juice Bar 銷售運動飲料、果汁


(一)健身房 gym


健康點 to become healthy保持體態 to get fit減肥 to lose weight增重 to gain weight增強肌肉 to build muscle塑身 to shape your body眼睛吃冰淇淋 to watch nice bodies交朋友 to make friends打屁 to chat

(二)健身中心 fitness center

健身俱樂部:health club 健身教練 trainer 運動鞋 sneaker置物櫃 locker入會費 membership fee參加 (健身課程) to enroll inThe member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program.當您完成入會手續後,我們會跟您收取兩萬三千元的入會費。局部瘦身 spot reductionspot (n.): 部位reduction (n.):減少脂防 fat消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat低脂飲食:low-fat dietI work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist.我每天健身,為的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌肉,並消除腰部的脂肪。體適能 fitness 健身 to work out我們也可以把work out兩個字合在一起,變成一個名詞:workout.It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym.現代人在健身房健身已慢慢成為一種趨勢。The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week.這個模特兒每個星期到健身房健身五次。You'd better have/get some workout.你最好做點運動。體脂肪 body fat卡絡裡 calorie燃燒卡洛里:to burn calorieA calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight.控制熱量的飲食對想減肥的人很有幫助。曲線 curveShe's got all that right curves. Every guy is so crazy about her.她的曲線盡現!每個男人都為她著迷。暖身 to warm upwarm-up兩個字合起來,可當形容詞用;美國口語,也可以當名詞用。We all should warm up before doing some exercises.開始做運動前,我們都應該暖身。Let's warm up the car engine before we start.我們把汽車馬達熱一下,再開車吧!Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise.做任何運動前,暖身的伸展運動是非常重要的。After a warm-up of ten minutes, he started jogging.暖身十分鐘後,他開始慢跑。伸展 to stretchstretch 可以當作動詞,也可以當作名詞用。伸展收縮:stretch and contractEvery time you work out you should begin and end with a few stretches.每次健身的前後,都應該做些伸展的動作。Stretch your arms up!把你的手臂往上伸展。為了減低sports injure (運動傷害)的發生:Always stretch before and during workouts.健身之前和健身過程,一定得做伸展的動作。柔暖度 flexibilityflexible (adj.): 柔軟的Since your flexibility level is bad, you are in desperate need of a stretching routine of some kind.既然你的柔暖度不是很好,你很急需固定做些伸展的運動。 仰臥起坐 sit-upIf you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon.如果你每天都可以做100個仰臥起坐,你很快就會有六塊肌。伏地挺身 push-upI can do 100 push-ups in a row. Don't get jealous. You will do it someday.我可以一次做100個伏地挺身。別忌妒。總有一天你也可以的。 勁走 power walking直排輪 In-Line Skating有氧運動 aerobics有氧的:aerobicI think I have to take an aerobics class now.我想我得上些有氧運動的課程了。The famous actor does aerobics twice a week.這位聞名的男演員一星期會做兩次有氧課程的運動。重量訓練 weight training/weight lifting舉重:to lift weights口語叫做:to do weights一想到重量訓練(weight training),相信你對啞鈴(dumbbell)和槓鈴(barbell)一定不陌生吧!肌力/肌耐力訓練 strength training心肺/有氧訓練 cardiovascular training口語可以說成:cardioDo cardio four days cardiovascular (adj.): 心肺的、心臟的從事心肺訓練:to perform cardiovascular training/exercise通常要做cardiovascular training會用到的健身器材(fitness equipment)有: 跑步機:treadmill踏步機:step master階梯踩踏機:stair climber 三圍 bust/waist/hips (女)chest/waist/hips (男)男生要用chest,女生要用breast或是bust。搞錯了,可就糗大了!跳繩 jump rope低衝擊性的 low-impact戰鬥有氧 Body combat是現在最為流行的一種有氧運動。結合拳擊、空手道、太極拳、跆拳道的要素加以修改,使該運動更為具安全性,適合團體運動課程。槓鈴有氧 Body Pump主要是節由槓鈴(barbell),針對全身肌群做肌耐力的訓練(strength training),藉以燃燒脂肪(calorie burned),使肌肉線條更為健美。飛輪有氧 Spinning 階梯有氧 Step Aerobics 氣功球 Chi Ball瑜珈 YogaMeditation is a very important part of Yoga.冥想是瑜珈很重要的一部分。

(三)肌肉 muscle

增加肌肉:to build muscle肌肉發達的:muscular我們最常訓練到的肌肉有:二頭肌 biceps三頭肌 triceps胸肌 chest (男);breast (女)三角肌 shoulder腹肌 abs (abdominal的縮寫)upper abslower absoblique前臂 forearms擴背肌 back臀肌 buttocks心跳率 heart rate脈搏:pulseCan you take my pulse?你可以量一下我的脈搏嗎?You can use a heart rate monitor to know your heart rate.你可以使用心跳顯示器得知你的心跳率。 吸氣 inhale吐氣:exhale 新陳代謝 metabolism新陳代謝的動詞是:to metabolize促進新陳代謝:to increase one's metabolismYour body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats.你的身體需要足夠的時間來把脂肪代謝掉。Strength training can significantly increase your metabolism肌力訓練可以顯著地增加你的新陳代謝。蒸氣室 steam



體態剛剛好的 fit

勻稱漂亮的 trim

強壯的 strong

肌肉發達的 muscular

材瘦如骨的 skinny

苗條的 slim

胖的 fat

(肌肉)鬆軟 垮垮的 flabby

圓胖的 chubby

玲瓏有致的身材 a nice hour-glass figure

hour-glass (n.):沙漏

2.Tips for Power Walking

1. Walk at a brisk pace so that you begin to break a sweat. (First 10 minutes)

2. Increase your stride length. (Second 10 minutes)

3. Do walking sprints for one minute and then ease down to a comfortable pace for the next minute, alternating between high and low intensity. (Third 10 minutes)


1. ( 開始的十分鐘 ):輕快的走路,好讓你開始流汗。

2. ( 緊接的十分鐘 ):加大你的步伐。

3. ( 最後的十分鐘 ):快走一分鐘,接下來的一分鐘,把步伐放慢到比較舒服的速度,兩者不斷地交替。

3.把腿伸出去:to extend your leg

往前彎 : to bend forward

把腿放在板凳上:to prop your leg up on the bench

換另一邊: to switch to the other side

蹲:to squat


Perform/Do three sets of 8 to 12 reps.

rep:重複 ( repetition的縮寫 )


Arm Curl(單臂彎曲)One Arm Curl(單臂彎曲)ONE ARM bicep Curl(單臂二頭肌彎曲) alternate dumbell curl 交替啞鈴彎舉Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二頭肌屈接) One Arm reverse Curl 單臂彎曲 Biceps Pullover 二頭肌提拉


barbell reverse curl 正握槓鈴彎舉 lying triceps extension 仰臥臂屈伸 triceps extension 頸後臂屈伸 Seated Triceps Extension(三頭肌屈接) Tricep Pulldown(三頭肌下壓)(三頭肌下壓)


dumbell fiyes 啞鈴擴胸 bench press 臥推 incline raise 斜板前舉


(Pec Crossover) pec[pek]n. = pectoral musclepectoral adj.胸的角度推(Decline Press)Flat Bench Press(平躺推舉)水平推舉 (Flat Press) Incline Bench Press(上斜式推舉)Incline Press(斜式推胸) Decline Bench Press(下斜式推舉) Pec Fly(蝴蝶式擴胸) Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式擴胸) Vertical Bench Press(坐式推胸) vertical adj.垂直的, 直立的, 頂點的, [解]頭頂的n.垂直線, 垂直面, 豎向)


DELT PUSHDOWN(HIGH PULLEY)(三角肌下壓) ONE ARM PULLOVER(單臂前拉) DEAD LIFT(提舉) LATERAL DELT 三角肌後伸展 FRONTAL DELTOID RAISE(前三角肌伸展)lateral cable raise 滑輪側平舉 double dumbell raise 啞鈴前平舉behind-the-neck press 頸後推舉 bent-over lateral raise 俯身啞鈴側平舉 Rear Deltoid Fseated lateral raise 坐姿啞鈴側平舉 seated military press 坐姿頸前推 Shoulder Press(肩膊推舉)alternate dumbell press 交替啞鈴推舉


one-arm dumbell row 單臂啞鈴划船 ONE ARM STANDING ROW(單臂站式拉背)Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背) bent-over row 俯身槓鈴划船 seated cable row 坐姿划船 Seated Row(坐式划船) STANDING ROW(站式拉背) Wide-grip chin-up 寬臥引體向上(chin-up引體向上adj.鼓舞士氣的, 提高士氣的 )(grip vt.緊握, 緊夾n.掌握, 控制, 把手v.抓住 )wide-grip pull-down 寬臥下拉


BACK HYPER(背肌彎曲訓練) 斜方機Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)


abdominal crunch(腹肌練習) Ab Crunch(腹肌練習)abdominal curl 收腹 bicycle 對側元寶收腹 partial curl屈腿仰臥起坐Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹) incline sit-up 斜板仰臥起坐Situps(Sit up)仰臥起坐bent-knee sit-up 屈膝仰臥起坐 preacher incline curl 牧師椅臂彎舉 ( preacher n.傳教士)push up 俯臥撐 bar dip 雙槓臂曲伸 curl-up 屈膝兩頭起 pull over 頸後推/仰臥屈臂上拉


barbell wrist curl 槓鈴卷腕


calf raise(腓腸肌訓練)小腿訓練 (calf n.小牛, 小牛皮, 小腿)Seated calf (坐式腓腸肌訓練) leg curl 俯臥腿彎舉 leg extension 坐姿腿屈伸 knee lift 腿舉 leg press 哈克機倒深蹲 (大小腿伸展) hack squat 哈克機深蹲 rear leg pull 跪撐後襬腿side-leg lift 側抬腿 side-leg 側舉腿 squat 深蹲 (squatv.蹲坐, 蹲伏n.蹲坐adj.蹲的) HACK SQUAT(深蹲)front squat頸前深蹲 pile 寬蹲 lunge 箭步蹲 Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展) Seated Leg Curl(坐式後腿肌屈接) Toe Raise(小腿伸展)toe-raise 提踵 Inner Thigh Kick(腿內側拉力) Outer Thigh Kick(腿外側拉力) lying Leg Curl(臥式大腿彎曲) Glute Kick(腿後肌後蹬) elevated leg raise 側臥舉雙腿 crab lift 俯撐蹲起 bent-over twist 俯身轉體 seated twist 坐姿轉體 side-bend 體側屈 side-knee twist 屈膝繞環/仰臥屈膝扭髖 workout 訓練 stomach workout 腹肌訓練 shoulder workout 肩肌訓練arm workout 臂肌訓練leg workout 腿肌訓練 chest workout 胸肌訓練back workout 背肌訓練Low Row(低拉力) Upright Row(上提) Lat Pulldown(下拉)back arch 背橋 back hyperextension 山羊挺身torso-twist 負重轉體 up-right row 槓鈴直立上拉 good-morning exercise 負重屈練習


AB machine腹部前屈機Abdominal bench腹部訓練椅Abdominal腹部前屈機Abdominal腹部訓練器Adductor夾腿機Adjustable bench可調式啞鈴椅Allen wrench通用扳手Arm curl二頭肌推舉器Back machine背部訓練機Barbell槓鈴架Bi-axial chest press雙軸上斜推胸機Bicep curl machine二頭肌訓練機Bicep二頭肌訓練機Cable column複合拉伸機Cable cross複合飛鳥機Calf小腿訓練機Caplug蓋塞Chest mid-row滑船機Chest press machine坐姿推胸機Chest press胸部推舉機Chest複合胸部訓練器Cord bracket夾線板Counter-balanced smith machine史密斯機Countersunk socket set screw:埋頭螺絲Cover center section:蓋板中心部分Crank plate:曲板(保留英文)Crutch tip:Cycling equipment健騎機/健身車Decline Olympic bench奧林匹克下斜椅Dip chin ab單槓提膝器Dip station雙槓練習器Display lower:顯示器下蓋Display stem:顯示器支撐杆Double tier dumbbell雙層啞鈴架Dual cable column雙臂訓練機End cap後蓋End plaque cap瓷花後蓋endurance training耐力訓練Flat bench扁平椅Flat bench啞鈴平椅Flat Olympic bench奧林匹克平椅Flat/incline/decline bench可調式啞鈴椅Flush head press in stud:埋頭大頭釘Freeweight dumbbell負重啞鈴Freeweight負重Full dog point socket set:專用螺絲Functional lift複合抬舉機Hamstring低拉機Hip abductor腿部外彎機Hip adductor腿部內彎機Hyperextension腹背訓練凳IEC Free plug, shutter snap fit:通用插頭Incline Olympic bench奧林匹克上斜椅Incline press machine上斜推胸機Incline trainer上斜跑步機Inner thigh adductor machine腿部內彎機Lat high row高位滑船機Lat machine with mid row高拉訓練機Lat pull down高拉機訓練機Lat複合高拉機Lateral shoulder raise肩部側推機Leg curl machine/seated leg curl屈腿訓練機Leg extension machine腿部伸展機Leg extension腿部伸展機Leg press machine腿部推蹬機Leg press腿部推蹬機Leg press/hach squat machine倒蹬/斜蹬機Logo wheel:輪子(帶標識)Military press肩部推舉機Multi-hip machine臂部複合訓練機Nutsert螺母Olympic weight tree鈴片架Outer thigh abductor machine腿部外彎機Overhead Tricep三頭肌高位訓練機path of motion動作路徑PEC machine/butterfly蝴蝶機Pedal leaver arm:踏板臂Plate loaded squat掛片式深蹲機Poly“V” drive pulley: V形驅動滑輪Pozi美國百老匯舞臺的專業舞者,也是知名節目主持人更是健身專家Preacher curl bench屈臂訓練凳Pro-smith machine安全槓鈴練習機Quadricep複合腿部訓練機Recumbent cycle臥式健身車Reps.(repetition)組Ribbed insert:扶手連桿Roller member pivot:輥構件樞軸Roman chair/back hyperextension羅馬凳Rotary torso machine旋轉訓練機Row複合划船機Rubber boot:橡膠支座Rubber bump stop:橡膠緩衝器Rubber earring moulding:橡膠基座Runner assembly轉動組件Seat carriage座位滑動架Seated calf machine小腿訓練機Seated calf machine坐姿小腿練習機Seated chest press坐工推胸機Seated row machine坐姿划船機Sets套Shoulder press machine肩部推舉機Shoulder複合肩部訓練機Single tier dumbbell單層啞鈴架sover machine雙臂交叉訓練機(大飛鳥機)Squat rack掛片式深蹲架Squat蹲式複合訓練機Standard weight tree鈴片架Standing bicep站式肱二頭肌訓練器Standing hip/multi-hip machine臂部複合訓練機Standing tricep站式肱三頭肌訓練器Step hole trim L/hand:左踏板孔飾物Step hole trim retaining block:踏板孔飾物固定塊Step負重踏步機Stepper臺階器strength training力量訓練Stretch corner伸拉角Stretch zone伸拉中心Toothed belt idler plate:皮帶惰輪鋸齒板(保留英文)Treadmills踏步機Tricep press down machine三頭肌訓練機Tricep複合三頭肌訓練機Upper back背肌訓練機Upright cycle立式健身車Utility bench三角椅Vertical knee raise單槓提膝器Vertical leg press垂直蹬腿練習器Wab board腹肌板Weight stack配重片weight training負荷訓練Wiring loom:接線器2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack啞鈴架45 hyperextension腹背訓練凳6.3 Amp time Lag glass body: 6.3 Amp保險絲


Vertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)Shoulder Press(肩膊推舉)Lat Pulldown(高拉力)Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式擴胸)Rear Deltoid Fly(三角肌後拉)Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)Seated Triceps Extension(三頭肌屈接)Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二頭肌屈接)Triceps Pushdown(三頭肌下推)Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展)Seated Leg Curl(坐式後腿肌屈接)Squat(深蹲)Toe Raise(小腿伸展)Inner Thigh Kick(腿內側拉力)Outer Thigh Kick(腿外側拉力)Leg Press(大小腿伸展)Biceps Curl(二頭肌屈接)Ab Crunch(腹肌練習)Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹)Glute Kick(腿後肌後蹬)Incline Press(斜式推胸)Low Row(低拉力)Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)夾胸器(Cable Crossover Machine)胸肌練習(Pec Crossover)臂部練習(Arm Curl)背肌練習(Standing Row)仰體向上(up & down)二頭肌提拉練習(Biceps Pullover)坐姿划船練習(Seated Row)腿部內外側訓練(Inner/Outer Thigh)奧林匹克舉重椅(Olympic Press Bench)水平推舉練習 (Flat Press)斜推練習(Incline Press)角度推練習(Decline Press)腿部曲伸練習(Leg Extension)仰臥起坐(Sit up)Arm Curl(臂部彎曲)One Arm Curl(單臂彎曲)Squat(深蹲)Shoulder Press(肩膊推舉)Flat Bench Press(平躺推舉)Shoulder Shrug(肩北肌拉力)Incline Bench Press(上斜式推舉)
