“Turn the tables”可不是“掀桌子”

turn the tables (on sb.) 转弱为强,反败为胜;扭转形势压倒(某人)

to change a situation completely, so that someone loses an advantage and you gain one

Our team turned the tables↗/ in the second half / and finally won the game. ↘


turn sb. on (to sth. ) 使某人(对某物)产生兴趣

to interest someone, or to make someone become interested in something

It was Felix / who turned me on↗/ to vegetarian food. ↘


take a turn for the worse/better突然变坏/变好

If a situation takes a turn for the worse, it suddenly becomes worse. If a situation takes a turn for the better, it suddenly becomes better.

Things are taking a turn for the better↗/ at my store. ↘ I may make a profit this year. ↘
