「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 18-忠誠度驅動銷售增長


DAY 18 原文

分析師Dennis Geiger想了解星巴克銷售增長的驅動因素。



Kevin's remarks also reveal that we are growing in every daypart. We're also seeing a significant growth pattern in our cold coffee. And so that includes all cold beverages, meaning tea as well. And we're seeing cold beverages grow in the morning and the afternoon occasion. We're seeing also, too, the work if you recall when we began to grow and change our program in loyalty around multi-tier redemption, we are seeing growth with the occasional customer. And there is some connection between cold coffee, afternoon occasion, and the occasional customer. We are seeing growth after 11 o'clock in the afternoon with the occasional customer and with cold coffee.


So we think that it's that combination that's really happening for us, Dennis, in terms of the beverage innovation. So right beverage for our customer base, improving the work that our partners have to do in our stores, so that they can interact with the customers and improve customer engagement, and then learning from our digital relationships and understanding how to market to our customer base and bring them in the store. And a great example of that is our reimagined Happy Hour. And so we're doing, we're combining these three initiatives together, and we are convinced that this work and the discipline around it is really driving our comp performance. And we can see this in future quarters.



1. Customer engagement Selling:客戶互動銷售。是銷售人員與客戶之間的雙贏銷售理念和模型。真正形成與客戶的互動,將銷售過程與採購過程完美結合;銷售團隊的站位與配合關係到銷售連續與有序;銷售過程的評估管理。

2. Multi-tier redemption:分層贖回,在此指星巴克為維持顧客忠誠度提出的營銷策略--集齊不同數量的星星來兌換物品或服務。

