無畏來自覺醒——瑜伽大師Romapada Swami疫情期間的啟示

Fearlessness Through Awareness


The ancient wisdom literature of India teaches that all embodied beings, not only humans, share four common activities, namely – eating, sleeping, reproduction or mating, and fearing or defending. Of these four, the strongest force is fearing.


At the same time, the unique feature of the human form of life is that we alone can become fearless! The yoga system is designed to progressively elevate human beings to the platform of awareness of our true self; the byproduct of this attainment is fearlessness.


One of the triggers that provokes fear is uncertainty of the future. Something dangerous may unexpectedly happen. When that occurs, or even anticipating that such misfortune may occur in the near future, fear naturally arises.

引發恐懼的誘因之一是對未來的不確定性,危險的事情可能會意外地發生。當這種情況出現時,或者甚至預見到這種不幸可能會在不久的將來發生,恐懼自然就產生了。Fear and anxiety arise when we forget the nature of Reality.

當我們遺忘真相的本來(nature of Reality 實在的本質)時,恐懼和焦慮就出現了。

What is the antidote? Become aware that you are “Life” – a spark of life within, that exists beyond the temporary – rather than identifying with the details of today’s “life experience.”Awareness of the real self generates fearlessness as a byproduct.解藥是什麼?意識到你是“生命”——超越短暫之上的內在生命的火花,而不是去認同今天的“生命體驗”的細節。意識到真正的自我會產生無所畏懼這一副產品。Another key to awareness is the popular saying “All Things Must Pass”, coined by one of the famous Beatles, George Harrison. Both good fortune and misfortune are temporary. When we become rooted in this understanding, awareness of who we really are is greatly enhanced.

另一個覺悟自我的關鍵是一句流行的說法:“一切必將逝去”——這由著名披頭士樂隊成員喬治哈里森所打造(他灌錄了《All Things Must Pass》專輯)。好運和不幸都是暫時的,當我們根植於這種理解時,對我們真正是誰的覺知就會大大的增強。

Our attachment to temporary things causes pain within our minds. By changing our attachment from the temporary to that which is eternal, we free ourselves from unnecessary anguish.


Everyone should find an awareness program that works for themselves; allot sufficient time and invest energy in your awareness program daily.
