20種語言防疫小視頻 Multilingual Videos about Epidemic Prevention


Beijing Association For Non-Party Senior Intellectuals has invited experts to make Videos About Tips For Epidemic Prevention in 20 different languages to share with you some knowledge of self-protection and tips on the prevention and control of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Please recommend the videos to your friends.


1. 如果您是來自或去過疫情嚴重國家地區的入境者,即使您體溫測量正常,也請居家觀察或集中觀察14天。實踐證明,這是對自己負責也是對他人負責的最好辦法。

2. 戴口罩、勤洗手。特殊時期,如果不是單人、開放空間,應佩戴口罩。接觸門把手、樓梯、電梯按鈕、公共器具,使用過衛生間後都要立即洗手。

3. 居家觀察期間,應使用獨立生活空間,經常通風,保持清潔;使用獨立餐具,不可與他人混用餐具,也不要多人使用公共餐具;用餐前後要對餐具進行消毒;不外出參與公共活動,不接待任何朋友,不離開自己的住所;如有同公寓的室友,也要避免交往,見面時要佩戴口罩、保持安全距離、不握手。






Dear foreign friends, Beijing is now at a critical stage of epidemic prevention and control. I would like to share some knowledge of self-protection, and tips of prevention and control of novel coronavirus with you.

1. If you are from or have been to a country or region severely hit by the epidemic, please stay home for observation or take centralized medical observation for 14 days. It is proved to be the best way to be responsible for yourself and others.

2. Wear masks properly and wash your hands frequently. Please wear a surgical mask when you are in indoor public or crowded places. Please wash your hands immediately after touching doorknobs, stairway, elevator buttons, public appliances and using the bathroom.

3. When you stay home for medical observation, please isolate yourself in your house hold in a room, maintain proper ventilation and keep the room clean. Use separate eating and drinking utensils, and do not share utensils with others or use public utensils by many people; Sterilize utensils before and after meals; Do not go out to attend any activity, do not meet any friend, and do not leave your living space. If you have a roommate, you should avoid contact, and when meeting, please wear masks, keep a safe distance and do not shake hands.

4. When you stay home for medical observation, measure your temperatures in the morning and at night. If your temperature is above 37.2 degrees Celsius (98.96 degrees Fahrenheit), please timely let the community or people in charge of your building know.

5. If you have any difficulty or need help, please let the community or people in charge of your building know and they will try their best to help you.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and support. It is our responsibility to take precautions, and then with our efforts, we’ll win the battle against the epidemic sooner.

If you have any questions, please call Beijing public service hotline 12345. The staff will provide you with 24-hour multilingual service.

Stay safe and be healthy.



李向顯 中文

2、Epidemic Prevention Tips

Jiang Huimin 江慧敏 英語


Duan Jingyi 段靜宜 日語

4、Tipps zur Epidemieprävention

Deng Erhong 鄧二紅 德語

5、Conseils de prévention des épidémies

Qin Qinglin 秦慶林 法語

6、Советы по профилактике эпидемий

Yu Youjuan 於優娟 俄語

7、Consejos de prevención de epidemias

Zeng Lin 曾琳 西班牙語

8、Dicas de prevenção epidémicas

Qin Maomao 秦毛毛 葡萄牙語

9、전염병 예방 요령

Cui Yinglan 崔英蘭 朝鮮語

10、نصائح الوقاية من الوباء

Liu Wenjia 柳文佳 阿拉伯語

11、महामारी निवारण युक्तियाँ

Li Huming 李呼明 印地語

12、Epideemia-megelőzési tippek

Duan Shuangxi 段雙喜 匈牙利語

13、Tipy na prevenci epidemií

Tian Haochen 田浩琛 捷克語

14、Съвети за превенция на епидемията

Yang Bin 楊彬 保加利亞語

15、نکات پیشگیری از بیماری همه گیر

Zhang Qian 張謙 波斯語

16、טיפים למניעת מגיפה

Shao Xiaoyan 邵曉巖 希伯來語

17、Sfaturi pentru prevenirea epidemiilor

Liu Jianrong 劉建榮 羅馬尼亞語

18、Савети за превенцију епидемије

Qu Huibin 曲慧彬 塞爾維亞語

19、Salgın Önleme İpuçları

Sha Nati 沙娜提 土耳其語

20、Suggerimenti per la prevenzione dell'epidemia 意大利語
