

Ayer lived a rich life, so his friends wanted to know the secret of his wealth. One day, Ayer would go to the market to handle affairs, when one of his friends happened to go the same way. So they went along.


It was terribly sultry(悶熱的). When they went halfway, they were so tired and thirsty that they stopped and sat down under a big tree by the roadside. Ayer took out two bowls from his backpack, placed before them then untied the water bag and filled the bowls with water.


They carried the bowls and were about to drink off when a gust of (一陣)wind suddenly blew, making them not open their eyes. After the wind stopped, his friend found a lot of sand dropped in his bowl, even with some leaves on it.


The friend frowned, poured away the water in the bowl without hesitation, picked up Ayer's water bag conveniently, poured himself another bowl and drank off without a break.


When he put down his bowl, he found Ayer's bowl was also muddy, but Ayer only carefully picked up the fallen leaves, threw them off and put the bowl on the ground. After a while, the water was gradually clean and clear, when Ayer carried the bowl and drank slowly.

當他放下碗的時候,他發現艾爾的碗同樣髒兮兮的,可他卻仔細地把落葉撿了出來扔掉,然後把碗擱在了地上。 不一會兒,碗裡的水漸漸清澈起來,艾爾端起了碗,慢條斯理地喝著水。

His friend laughed at his misery, for he even regarded a bowl of water as a treasure. After hearing that, Ayer said with a smile, “Each bowl of water is drawn by me from the well, which I took pains to dig. How can't I regard it as a treasure?”


When sand and leaves dropped into a bowl, what Ayer's saw was still the water, but what his friend saw nothing but the sand and leaves. Maybe it was the secret of Ayer's wealth.


