

1.不要拿我跟任何人比 我不是誰的影子 更不是誰的替代品

Don't take me and anyone as a substitute for sho I am not.

2.關於感情我承認我拿不穩 但我摔碎了 也不會拱手讓人

I admit I can't handle emotions, but I can't throw my hands when I break them.

3.誰若用真心對我 我便拿命去珍惜 這句話永遠不會過期

Whoever treats me sincerely, I will cherish this sentence with my life ,It will never expire.

4.如果你討厭我 我一點也不介意 我活著不是為了取悅你

If you hate me, I don't mind at all that I'm not living to please you.

5.適當的心軟是你善良 一直的心軟那就是你傻逼了

Appropriate softness is your kindness and always your softness.That's your fool.

6.我可以笑著聽你講道理 也可以翻臉告訴你什麼叫規矩

I can laugh and listen to your reasoning, I can turn my face and tell you what rules are.

7.我可以受十分的苦 但我也受不了半分的委屈

I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half of the grie vance.

8.走好自己的路 邁好自己的步 少理那些在背後說三道四的廢物

Take your own road, take your own steps, and deal with the waste behind your back.

