









这篇文章里所说的妈妈名叫Terry Loong,家住英国伦敦,是马来西亚裔,前年她生下儿子马修后就开始坐月子,在这期间产妇不能出门,也不接待来客,甚至一个月也不能洗澡。

Terry Loong, who is of Malaysian heritage, of Harrow, west London, practised 'postpartum confinement' -where a new mother does not leave the house, have visitors or, in some cases, bathe for a month after the delivery - following the birth of son Matthew in April 2016.

(图源: Daily Mail)


The practice is common in some Asian cultures as it is believed to foster bonding, protect the baby's immune system and give the mother time to heal following childbirth.


“坐月子”文中译作postpartum confinement,其中postpartum表示“产后的”,而confinement则有“监禁”、“限制”的意思,此外它也可以指“分娩”。




Zuoyuezi, literally means "sitting the month." Traditional Chinese medicine purports that women that have just given birth are more susceptible to cold air, so it's not uncommon for mothers to refrain even from washing themselves or their clothing.


Mothers are not meant to leave the home and are encouraged to follow a diet of hot soups and avoid so called "cooling" foods.

《洛杉矶时报》(LA Times)网站则是这样解释的:


Postpartum confinement is a traditional monthlong period for new mothers in China, with strict rules developed over the centuries about what to wear, eat, drink and more. The Mandarin term, zuo yuezi, literally means "to sit for a month after giving birth."



(图源:Daily Mail)


Mrs Loong only went outside once in the month after Matthew's birth and even kept the windows closed to decrease the risk of the baby being exposed to any outside infection.

She also gave up 'cold' foods like cucumber and salad in favour of warming broths and soups.


Mrs Loong said: 'I remember my mum having a period of confinement when I was little. I'm the oldest of five so I saw it a lot.


'It is common in Asian culture. Some of my Chinese friends here in London have done it too, but adapted it to what works for them, picking different parts of it.

'I don't know many people that did it fully, like me. The biggest thing is that people couldn't believe I hadn't showered. It wasn't pretty, but it was important. If I had another baby, I would definitely do it again.'

(图源:Daily Mail)


Mrs Loong, 40, an aesthetic doctor, and her business consultant husband Kurt, 37, welcomed Matthew in April 2016.

Although it was a straightforward labour, Mrs Long felt like she had been 'hit by a bus' and wanted to use the confinement period as a time to heal.

'It takes an enormous amount of energy to make, carry and deliver a baby,' she said.


Mrs Loong described how she was 'covered in sweat' and had 'blood down below' following labour but still went home without showering.

'My hair was really greasy to start with and I did smell of bodily fluids, but I didn't care - it was the most natural thing in the world,' she said.

Because she had sutures in following the birth, Terry ensured she maintained a level of hygiene by washing her intimate areas with a witch hazel solution.

(图源:Daily Mail)


She also sprinkled baking powder into her hair to absorb the grease as it got dirtier.

She said: 'I almost got used to it by the end, but I could tell I was smelly. I was committed to completing it though.

(图源:Daily Mail)


'One of the main things is to keep warm at all times, as getting a chill could spark an illness or infection,' Mrs Loong continued.

'It was sunny but cool outside, and Matthew's immune system was still so low because he hadn't been exposed to the outside environment, so we wanted to make sure he was healthy too.

'I broke the confinement slightly as I went out for around an hour at the two-week mark to the park as it was a sunny day.

'We walked around the park a little bit and took in the sunshine with a picnic, but we didn't talk to anyone there.'

(图源:Daily Mail)


Mrs Loong insists she never got bored, saying looking after a baby is a full-time job.

'I became a hermit, but time flew by quickly. Even though I gave up all my social media, I was never bored,' she explained.

'My husband was there all the time, as he works from home, and we actually really enjoyed the confinement.'

(图源:Daily Mail)



Mrs Loong is speaking out to highlight the benefits of confinement to help ease the transition into motherhood. She also believes it helped her avoid any post-birth complications such as difficulties feeding, back ache and hair loss as well as post-natal depression.

'I know not everyone follows it as strictly as I did, but, like with anything mother-related, it's all about what's right for you and your baby,' she said.


“有了娃当隐士没有错,可也不能不清洁吧?我还是算了,谢谢。 ”








综合来源:Daily Mail、Buzzfeed、CNN、LA Times

