遇見年輕時候的自己 你會跟TA說什麼?英語輕鬆閱讀

as an adult now, what life lesson do you wish your younger self knew?現在已是成年人的你,希望年輕時自己能懂得哪些人生教誨呢?


遇見年輕時候的自己 你會跟TA說什麼?英語輕鬆閱讀

1. emily filloramo

the universe conspires to purposely give us negative experiences for the evolution of our souls.在心靈成長方面,上天似乎蓄意要給我們設下糟糕的經歷。

there are going to be many painful moments but rest assured that there is a bigger purpose behind the pain.生活會充滿許多痛苦時刻,但痛苦之下定有遠大目標。

it is up to us to connect the dots of our lives looking backwards and make “lemonade” out of our lemons.所以需要我們自己懂得反思過去,將生活中的點滴串聯起來,努力把“檸檬”變成“檸檬汁”。

watch steve job’s stanford commencement address ”how to live before you die”, where he talks about connecting the dots of your life looking backwards.去看看喬布斯斯坦福大學畢業演講《死前該怎樣生活》,裡面就講到要回顧過去,把生活中的點點滴滴串聯起來。

2. katie simpson

i wish i could tell my younger self to pursue what gives me joy, what makes me passionate. not in the sense of chasing happiness but finding meaning, contentment every day. i was so worried about what others thought of me, i didn’t give any weight to my own thoughts or opinions. i got lost in expectation, in what i should do, rather than what i wanted.我希望能告訴年輕時的自己,去追尋能給我快樂和激情的事情。不是說要尋求快樂,而是每天要能過得知足而有意義吧。年輕時我總是擔心別人會怎麼看我,卻從不曾關心過自己內心的想法或觀點。我迷失在他人的期望中,做著應該做的事情,而不是自己渴望做的事情。

in the end, our lives are our own. we must live each and every moment til death. it won’t always be easy nor fun. still, pursuing passion has made my life worthwhile. it gives me the sense that i give my life purpose. for me, that is enough.歸根結底,我們的人生只屬於我們自己。所以,活著的時候就應該過好每一分每一秒。有時這既不容易也不有趣。可是,跟隨激情卻能讓我活得有價值有意義,讓我覺得生活是有奔頭的。對我來說,這就夠了。

this is a very personal experience, but my younger self was much wiser, braver and daring than my older self… when we’re young life is an adventure, we’re fearless, brave and don’t think of the consequences ( or get paralysed by fear ) as much as when we’re older and went through a series of disappointments, rough times and lack of perspectives. we pile up negative emotions based on negative experiences we barely even knew exist when we were young so….這純粹是個人經歷,不過年輕時的我要比現在更加聰明勇敢吧……年輕時,生活就是一場冒險,我們無所畏懼、勇敢且不計後果(或者被恐懼嚇破了膽);長大之後,我們經歷了一系列的失望、困難和無助,由於這些年輕時想都想不到的糟糕經歷,我們變得越來越消極……

i would have to put it the other way around. what life lessons would my younger self wish my older self would keep in mind? i wish my older self could remember more often to live without fears, without over thinking about consequences or let negative past events dictate my decisions.我寧願換個方式來講述:年輕時的自己希望現在的我能知道怎樣的人生教誨呢?希望現在的我能時刻記得要無所畏懼地生活,不要糾結於後果或讓過去的不快經歷影響我的決定。

遇見年輕時候的自己 你會跟TA說什麼?英語輕鬆閱讀

every day is a new day and a new chance to improve, push out boundaries and grow. the past is gone and taking life too seriously won’t make it brighter .每天都是新的一天,是提高自我、打破界限並獲得成長的新機會。過去的已經過去,太一本正經並不能讓生活變得更陽光。

3. chris haigh

the lesson i wish i could have told my younger self is that life is almost never how you plan it. it unfolds in strange and terrifying and sometimes wonderful ways, but trying to control life is almost impossible – that’s not to say that you can’t control how you react to the stuff that happens.我希望年輕時的自己能知道的人生教誨就是,生活從來都不是你計劃的那樣。生活以陌生、可怕或精彩的方式呈現出來,而企圖控制生活幾乎是不可能的——當然,這不是說你無力控制自己應對變故的方式。

be fluid, be flexible. enjoy what happens and let your life go where it’s supposed to go. you’ll be happier as a result. and most importantly – you’re going to be okay.要靈活應變,要享受當下、隨遇而安,然後你會更快樂。而且最重要的是——你會過得還不錯吧。

4. jeanne floresca

i would tell my younger self to trust her intuition. that it will never steer her wrong.我想告訴年輕時的自己,要相信直覺。直覺永遠都不會指錯路。

i realize i could have saved myself from a lot of stupid drama in my younger adult years if i just listened to my gut instinct more.我發現,如果年輕時能多聽從直覺的話,或許就能避免很多愚蠢的經歷。

the older i get, the more it is confirmed; i know what is right for me and it comes from a deep knowing. i guess you can call it “knowledge from your higher-self.”越長大我就越確信這一點;我知道什麼是適合我的,從內心深處就知道了。我想這就是所謂 “更高自我的覺悟” 吧。

i would also emphasize to my younger self to nurture her spirituality because this is how she will hone her intuitive powers.我還想告訴年輕時的自己,要培養精神成長,因為這樣才能讓自己的直覺力量變強大。

yes, i said “powers” because i want her to know she is the hero of her story and all heroes have powers.沒錯,我說的是“力量”,因為我希望年輕時的自己知道,“她”就是故事中的主角,而所有主角都擁有自己的力量。

5. liz brazier

i would want to sit my younger self down and tell it “you are not a failure if your life doesn’t follow the traditional marriage and children path”.我想讓年輕時的自己坐下來,然後告訴她:“要是不走傳統的結婚生子那條路,你也不是失敗的人。”

telling my younger self that success in life for you does not have to be shown by having a long term relationship, and that you offer so much to the world as you uniquely are.我想告訴年輕時的自己:成功不一定就是能維持長久的伴侶關係,你是獨一無二的,你也為世界作了很多貢獻。

additionally, letting the young me know that peace and happiness comes from focusing on living your life in this present moment versus worrying about decisions made in the past or events that may never happen in the future.而且,我還希望年輕時的自己知道,平靜與快樂來自對當下生活的享受,而不是為過去已經做出的決定或將來尚未發生的事情而擔憂。

6. alex strike

now, looking back, i understand that my younger self was not confident enough. and maybe it will sound weird, but he thought a lot before doing something. all these “and what if…”, “what they will think” things, you know.現在回顧過去,我發現年輕時的自己不夠自信。或許聽上去有些奇怪,但當時我做事之前總是顧慮很多,總是想著“萬一……”或“別人會怎麼想……”之類的,你懂的。

i would tell him “hey man, you are 18 (19,20 whatever)! don’t be afraid of trying, risking, and following your dreams!”我想告訴年輕時的自己:“嗨,你才18歲(19歲或20歲,隨便)!別害怕去嘗試、冒險並追尋夢想!”

and one more thing… i would advise him not to be afraid of love. yes, it hurts sometimes, but it is a real blessing to experience this feeling, especially if it is mutual, but you are stupid enough not to understand that, and scared to accept that.還有就是,我希望年輕時的自己不要畏懼愛情。是的,愛情有時會讓人受傷,但能經歷一場愛情還是很美好的——尤其是兩情相悅的話。可當時我太傻,不懂也不敢面對它。

7. bookie efstat

i would have loved my younger self to know just this one thing: “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - roosevelt”. or in other words, just that fear holds you back, does not let you live your life to the fullest, or let you make enough mistakes in order to reach your potentials, while at the same time it is totally meaningless and mostly irrational.我只希望年輕時的自己能知道這一點:“我們唯一害怕的只是害怕本身。——羅斯福”,或者換句話說,當時我真的就被害怕給絆住了,沒能盡情享受生活,或為了挖掘潛能而犯下很多錯誤,雖然這些錯誤可能毫無意義或極其衝動。

遇見年輕時候的自己 你會跟TA說什麼?英語輕鬆閱讀

so if my younger self was in front of me now i would say: too many regrets come from things we did not do just from fear of the outcome. and a life without regrets is all i would ever hope for. please challenge your fears now!

