【GRE閱讀解析】Passage 59【瑪雅的水】短文章 詳細解析

Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs. In the central and southern May Lowlands, this kind of water control was necessary to support large populations throughout the year due to the scarcity of perennial surface water and the seasonal availability of rainfall. Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access. Such an argument is plausible, however, it is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water use and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.

1. The author of the passage implies which of the following about the political importance of the type of urban water management system described in the passage?

A. Because the system was centralized, it allowed political control over a widely scattered population.

B. The knowledge required to design and maintain the system became the pretext for Maya elites’ political authority.

C. By selectively limiting access to water, Maya elites used the system to curb challenges to their authority

D. The system is not sufficient to explain the sources of centralized political power in all parts of the Maya region

E. The system’s continued maintenance required political authorities to exert control over an increasing proportion of economic resources.


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the water management systems in the central and southern Maya Lowlands?

A. They were implemented in part because of the prevailing pattern of rainfall.

B. They were an integral part of lowland cities’ architecture.

C. They were needed because of insufficient resources such as ponds, rivers and lakes in the lowlands.



Recent studies of ancient Maya water management have found that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs.


rainfall runoff,降雨徑流,也就是雨水落下彙集成的水流。



In the central and southern Maya Lowlands, this kind of water control was necessary to supportlarge populations throughout the year due to the scarcity of perennial surface water and the seasonal availability of rainfall.







Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.


一些學者認為,水被集中在城市中心的意義不僅僅是給人口供水,還使得精英擁有了權力。Maya elites是based largely on controlled water access的,主要依靠被其控制的水資源使用權的瑪雅精英,也就是,瑪雅精英之所以成為精英,之所以能凌駕於普通瑪雅人之上,是因為他們控制了水。人沒水就會死,所以精英擁有了對其他人的權力。



Such an argument is plausible, however, it is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water use and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.




【GRE閱讀解析】Passage 59【瑪雅的水】短文章 詳細解析

