


【認識英文“descriptive writing”】

◢ Descriptive essays describe the traits and characteristics of people, objects, events, and feelings in interesting details. The author shall also use descriptive writing to create sensory details as a means of enhancing the reading experience. 描寫文寫作的精髓在通過精細巧妙的細節,從多個角度、不同方面對對象進行描寫,以便和讀者建立某種“感覺體驗”共鳴,讓讀者通過讀其文,而身臨其境。


我們以《New Yorker》上的一篇文章為例,來學習如何寫出優秀的描寫文。

  1. 取一個有趣的題目→ Table For Two--- Nom Wah and the Coronavirus Restaurant Shutdown
  2. 細節鋪墊:作者以其個人經歷和日常Nom Wah餐館的歷史等細節,進行開篇描寫,一下子彷彿將讀者帶到餐館現場

▼ A few Saturdays ago, I was surprised to find at least a dozen people milling around outside Nom Wah Tea Parlor, taking pictures and waiting for tables. On any other weekend, I wouldn't have batted my eye. Nom Wah, which celebrates its hundredth anniversary this year, has bragged its status as the oldest restaurant in Manhattan's Chinatown.

【1. mill around: 漫無目的地閒逛;2. bat my eye: 眨眼(表示驚訝)】


  1. 描寫對象的相關背景介紹:進入正題,開始對對象、主題進行多方位的介紹和描寫,同樣每一個角度的切入和描寫,都附以相應有趣的細節,以抓住讀者的興趣。

▼ Situated on Doyers Street---a boomerang-shaped block once known as the Bloody Angle, for its history of gang killings--- the dim-sum parlor is one of the neighborhood's most popular destinations, especially among tourists, who line up for dumplings and "OG" eggrolls.

【1. boomerang-shaped block 迴旋飛鏢形狀的街區 2. dim-sum parlor 點心店】

這段描寫極其精彩,通過地理位置、街區歷史、店面特色等切入點和細節,使得對主體---Nom Wah中餐館---的描寫栩栩如生,有趣生動。


寫好Descriptive writing技巧

聚焦主題---寫作的第一要義和任務就是聚焦主題,不發散、不跑題 When you first begin writing, it's extremely important to decide what your topic is going to be. This will prevent you from losing focus on the theme or main idea of your writing.

讓你的描寫生動形象起來---通過多角度、各個方面的切入和回顧、對比,使用“聽、聞、感、嗅和望”五官的寫作模擬技巧,讓自己的描述主體生動形象起來,讓讀者身臨其境,興趣盎然。As a writer, it's important paint a picture with your words. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of the five senses. By using taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch, you are creating an opportunity for the reader to develop an emotional connection to your writing.


