"accident" "incident" "event" "occurrence" 的區別是什麼?

1. accident 強調偶然或意外發生的不幸事情。如:
He has had a bad accident. 他出了嚴重事故。

Car accidents are far too common. 汽車事故是太常見了。
Philip will give him details of the accident. 菲利普將給他談這次事故的詳細情況。
The accident took place only a block from, his house. 事故發生的地點離他家只有一個路段。
After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital. 事故發生之後受傷的人被送往醫院急救。

2. incident 既可指小事件或附帶事件,又可指政治上具有影響的事件或事變。如:
Please accept my apologies for this unfortunate incident. 發生了這件不幸的事請接受我的道歉。
The incidents affected him for days. 這些事件使他好幾天心情不能平靜。
The witness gave a truthful account of the incident. 證人真實地描繪了這個事件。

3. event 可指任何大小事件,但尤指歷史上的重大事件。如:
The event was fatal to my hopes. 這次事件粉碎了我的希望。
At the beginning of June an event occurred. 六月初發生了一件事。
The event was fatal to my hopes. 這次事件粉碎了我的希望。

4. occurrence和happening這兩個詞多指日常生活中發生的一般事件,有時也指偶然發生的事。如:
So being killed by sharks was a common occurrence. 因此被鯊魚咬死是常有的事。
What schoolboy of fourteen is ignorant of this remarkable circumstance? 14歲的學生在這件值得注意的事件中會忽略掉什麼呢?
There were some unusual happenings at school last week. 上星期在學校裡發生了一些不尋常的事。

