经济学人外刊精读:「Nature」The fittest survive (1)

经济学人外刊精读:「Nature」The fittest survive (1)


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# N-C:N-COUNT 可数名词

# N-U:N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词

# VI :Intransitive Verb 不及物动词

# VT:Transitive Verb 及物动词

# V-Link:系动词


1. 正文

2. 分段注释:共 5 部分


More than a score of Australian mammals have been exterminated by feral cats.These predators, which arrived with European settlers, still threaten native wildlife—and are too abundant on the mainland to eliminate, as has been achieved on some small islands which were previously infested with them.

But Alexandra Ross of the University of New South Wales thinks she has come up with a different way to deal with the problem.

As she writes in a paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology,she is giving feline-awareness lessons to wild animals involved in reintroduction programmes, in order to try to make them cat-savvy.

Many Australian mammals, though not actually extinct, are confined to fragments of cat-free habitat.That offers the possibility of taking colonists from these refuges to places where a species once existed but is no more.This will, however, put the enforced migrants back in the sights of the cats that caused the problem in the first place.

Training the migrants while they are in captivity,using stuffed models and the sorts of sounds made by cats, has proved expensive and ineffective.Ms Ross therefore wondered whether putting them in large naturalistic enclosures with a scattering of predators might serve as a form of boot camp to prepare them for introduction into their new, cat-ridden homes.



More than a score of Australian mammals have been exterminated by feral cats.These predators, which arrived with European settlers, still threaten native wildlife—and are too abundant on the mainland to eliminate, as has been achieved on some small islands which were previously infested with them.


1、More than a score of 二十多个....

a score of ... = twenty ... 二十个...

E.g.A score of people have been killed in this accident. 二十余人在这场事故中丧生。

2、been exterminated by feral cats.

(1)Exterminate ... = kil all of... 消灭... ; 使...灭绝

E.g. To live a better live,we should exterminate or reduce the haze weather by all means.为了能更好的生活,我们要尽全力消除雾霾天气。

(2)feral cats 野猫

3、 Predator 食肉动物、捕食者

4、too abundant on the mainland to eliminate 数量太多而难以消灭

(1)too... to... 太...以致于...

(2)Abundant = plentiful = lagre in amount 大量的、丰富的

E.g. The market has an abundant supply of cheap labour. 市场中有很多廉价劳动力。

5、 as has been achieved on... 同样,(这些食肉动物)也散布在一些小岛上

(1)As 作adv,“同样地、和...一样”。这里是和前面的“on the mainland”形成对应,意为这些食肉动物不仅抵达了大陆内部,同样也抵达了一些小岛上面。

6、 were previously infested with them.

(1)infest... =sth exist in large numbers in a particular place, often causing damage or disease 某物大批出没于...;某物大量滋生于...

通常指昆虫、老鼠等繁殖能力较强的生物“ infest somewhere”,即大量在某处繁殖、出没。

E.g.These kind of pests often infest cereal crops. 这类害虫通常肆虐于谷类作物中。

(2)be infested with sth 遭受...的大量肆虐;....到处都是某物

E.g.Our home is infested with ants. 我们家里到处都是蚂蚁。


But Alexandra Ross of the University of New South Wales thinks she has come up with a different way to deal with the problem.

As she writes in a paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology,she is giving feline-awareness lessons to wild animals involved in reintroduction programmes, in order to try to make them cat-savvy.


正如她发表在《Journal of Applied Ecology》上的一篇论文所介绍到的那样,她正给被列入“再引进项目”中的野生动物进行“认识猫科动物”的培训,为的是让它们能更加了解并熟悉这些猫科动物。

1、feline-awareness lessons (帮助其)了解猫科动物的训练

(1)Feline = connected with an animal of the cat family 猫科动物的

E.g. Natural feline hunting skills 猫科动物与生俱来的狩猎技巧

(2)Awareness = knowledge = understanding N-U认识、了解

(3)Feline-awareness 是一个复合词,作ADJ,意为“能够认识了解猫科动物的”

2、wild animals involved in reintroduction programmes

(1)involved in reintroduction programmes 是被动形式的非谓语作定语,修饰wild animals。即“被列入重新引进计划的野生动物”

(2)reintroduction 重新引入

3、 cat-savvy 更了解猫的、可从容应对野猫的

(1)savvy = know-how = practical knowledge N-U 见识、洞察力


= having practical knowledge and understanding of sth ADJ 针对...拥有专业知识的


Many Australian mammals, though not actually extinct, are confined to fragments of cat-free habitat.That offers the possibility of taking colonists from these refuges to places where a species once existed but is no more.This will, however, put the enforced migrants back in the sights of the cats that caused the problem in the first place.



1、are confined to fragments of cat-free habitat 被局限在了没有野猫出没的栖息地

(1)are confined to 被局限于...

Confine sb/sth in ... = keep a person or an animal in a small or closed space 监禁;禁闭

E.g. Nobody is allowed to privately confine a person to a closed space . 任何人都不得随意监禁他人于封闭的空间。

(2)Fragment 碎片。这里指分散的“一块一块”的地方。

E.g.The chinese is shattered into fragments/pieces. 陶瓷被摔成了碎片。

(3)cat-free 没有猫的

E.g. I only eat sugar-free yogurt。 我只吃无糖酸奶。

2、colonist 移民者、殖民者。这里指被迫离开自己的栖息地的澳大利亚哺乳动物。

3、 Refuge 避难场所

Put the enforced migrants back in the sights of the cats

(1)enforced migrants 被迫迁移者

Enforce sb to do = force sb to do 强迫某人做某事

(2) Put sth back in the sights of.. 重新放置某物到...视线范围内

4、 in the first place = initially = firstly 一开始、最初


Training the migrants while they are in captivity,using stuffed models and the sorts of sounds made by cats, has proved expensive and ineffective.



1、while they are in captivity 在被圈养时

Be in captivity = be kept in a confined space 被困;被监禁

E.g.He will spend the rest of his live in captivity. 他余生都会在被监禁中度过,

E.g.About 40 birds in captivity in that zoo. 那个动物园中圈养了40只鸟。

2、 stuffed models 标本

(1)Stuff ... = fill the dead body of an animal with material and preserve it VT制作动物标本

(2)stuffed models 这里指“野猫的标本”。

3、 has proved expensive and ineffective

(1)Prove 是一个系动词(V-link),诸如此类的系动词还有seem/ appear/prove/ be。系动词没有实际意义,而是直接用来说明主语状态的词,所以其后跟表语。表语就是说明主语状态的意群,系动词就是用来连接主语和这个意群的词。因此“系动词+adj / n / to do / 从句 ”都可以。


如:Sth proves to be... / prove +adj / prove + n / prove that...


Ms Ross therefore wondered whether putting them in large naturalistic enclosures with a scattering of predators might serve as a form of boot camp to prepare them for introduction into their new, cat-ridden homes.


1、naturalistic enclosures with a scattering of predators 散布着野猫的天然围场中

(1)naturalistic enclosures 天然的围场

Enclosure = a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall 圈占地、围场。

(2)a scattering of predators 分散着大量的肉食动物

Scatter ... = make sth spread all over the area. 撒、使...分散开

a scattering of ... 零零星星的...;三三两两分散开来的...

E.g.A scattering of tourists snapped pictures of Great wall. 一些零散的游客在拍摄长城的照片。

2、boot camp = a training camp for people who have just joined the army 新兵训练营

prepare them for introduction into... 使他们在被引入...时做好准备

(1)prepare sb for sth =make sb ready for sth 使某人面对某事时做好准备

(2)introduction into... 引入....

3、cat-ridden 到处都是野猫的

(1)Ridden (ride的过去分词)= full of .... ADJ 充斥着...的( 通常用在复合词中)

E.g.debt-ridden 负债累累的

E.g.a class-ridden society 等级森严的社会

E.g.She was ridden with fear = she is fear- ridden 她深感恐惧

