英語閱讀理解講練——人物傳記 (附思維導圖填空練習)

2020中考 | 英語閱讀理解講練——人物傳記 (附思維導圖填空練習)

2020中考 | 英語閱讀理解講練——人物傳記 (附思維導圖填空練習)



Think about the following questions:

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

2. Have you ever thought of making a living by it in the future? How long have you enjoyed it?

Theme: Hobbies

2020中考 | 英語閱讀理解講練——人物傳記 (附思維導圖填空練習)

California garden pioneer Ruth Petersson was born in 1908. She showed a great interest in plants at an early age. She studied architecture (建築學) at the university. At that time, the stock market fell sharply. Uncertain she could get work as an architect during so difficult a time, Ruth changed her major and graduated with a teaching degree. While teaching in Merced, she met Philip Bancroft, Jr. and married him in 1939 and then moved to the family farm in Walnut Creek.

Ruth began gardening and planted a large garden around the main house in 1950. Her interest in different plant groups evolved over time to include roses, herbs, alpine plants and more. In the 1950s, Ruth bought her first succulent (多肉植物). She was very attracted to it and began collecting these water-conserving plants. She had a huge collection of potted succulents, which were grown in greenhouses around her house.

In 1971, Philip offered Ruth three acres of land to begin a new garden using her large collection of succulents, which had outgrown their space. Ruth, then in her 60s, seized this opportunity. She got help from Lester Hawkins to design the pathways and garden beds. Ruth herself chose the plants from her collection.

By trial and error (反覆試驗), Ruth discovered how to use succulents better in the garden and how to protect the plants from winter rains and extreme cold. Ruth’s garden began to attract a great deal of attention from other gardeners. In 1988, Frank and Anne Cabot visited Ruth and were troubled when hearing that there were no plans to protect the garden. They were encouraged to start the Garden Conservancy, a nonprofit to protect important American gardens, and the Ruth Bancroft Garden became the first project of the new organization. The garden was thrown open to the public in the early 1990s.

Today , the garden has be come an outstanding example of a water-conserving garden. The garden also houses important collections of succulents, including the first succulent in Ruth’s collection.


evolve /ɪ'vɒlv/ v. (使)逐漸形成;進化

eg. The school has evolved its own style of teaching.

a great deal of 大量;很多

eg. It took a great deal of time and effort.


Reading test 閱讀理解

( ) 1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Ruth changed her major to gardening in college.

B. Ruth got married when she was 31 years old.

C. Ruth began planting when she was young.

D. Ruth had a hard time at an early age.

( ) 2. Which of the following might Ruth like best?

A. Roses. B. Herbs. C. Succulents. D. Alpine plants.

( ) 3. What does the underlined word “seized” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

A. Took. B. Created. C. Offered. D. Missed.

( ) 4. Which is the right order according to the passage?

a. Anne Cabot visited Ruth’s garden.

b. Philip provided more space for Ruth to plant succulents.

c. Ruth developed some methods for using succulents in the garden.

d. The Garden Conservancy was set up to protect important American gardens.

A. a-c-b-d B. b-d-a-c C. d-c-b-a D. b-c-a-d

Mind map 思維導圖


2020中考 | 英語閱讀理解講練——人物傳記 (附思維導圖填空練習)


Reading test

1-4 BCAD

Mind map

1. began / started

2. love

3. husband

4. ways

5. open


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