Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

It's a furious spring along the mother's river in March.陽春三月,母親河畔一派春意盎然。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

In Zhengzhou Yellow River cultural Park, flowers like winter jasmine, forsythia, magnolia, red plum, plum and cherry dot all over the mountains and plains, adding a gorgeous atmosphere to Spring.在鄭州黃河文化公園,迎春花、連翹、玉蘭、紅葉李、榆葉梅、櫻花等色彩斑斕的春花漫山遍野開放,為母親河增添一抹靚麗的春色。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

The staff told reporters that at present, peach trees blossom in succession all over the hills to spread from hillside to the Yellow River bank,then a lush peach blossom forest has been formed.公園工作人員告訴記者,目前,公園內的桃花正在陸續開放,漫山遍野的桃花開始鋪滿山坡,一直綿延至黃河岸邊,形成密集的桃花林。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

Although the park is not open to visitors for the time being, the staff took a number of photos of spring flowers in full bloom and invited the public to "enjoy the flowers on line".雖然該公園暫時還未向遊客開放,但工作人員專門為大家拍攝了多幅春花盛開的照片,邀請市民“雲賞花”。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

Different kinds of srabapple blossom successively.Walking along the lake, a variety of spring flowers such as plum, magnolia, bauhinia, etc blossom noisily. Through the Yellow River Stele Forest, plum blossom along both sides of the Mei-Hua Avenue. As red clouds falling on to earth, the plum blossom forest is fascinating.桔梗海棠也已開放,垂絲海棠和絢麗海棠估計一週左右後開放。漫步星海湖畔,梅花、玉蘭、紫荊花等多種春花爭奇鬥豔。穿過黃河碑林向上走,梅花大道兩旁種滿紅梅,那片片梅花林好似紅雲降落人間,令人陶醉。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

It is learned that over the past decade, the park has planted 300,000 plants with more than 200 species of trees and shrubs, and successfully introduced and domesticated more than 600 species of flowers and trees, among which include more than 30 species of rare and endangered plants under the state-level protection, and the total number of trees planted is equivalent to the total number of the last 30 years.據瞭解,十多年來,該公園共栽植喬灌木種類200餘種、30餘萬株,成功引種馴化各類花木600餘種。其中包括30多種珍稀瀕危國家重點保護植物,樹木栽植總量相當於上世紀30年的總和。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

Nowadays, the total number of trees in the scenic spot is more than 800,000, with the core area has more than 3.8 million square meters of forest, 50,000 plus square meters of lawn. It has won the title of "Advanced Unit of Zhengzhou Afforestation " many times.如今,該景區林木總量逾80萬棵,核心區域擁有林地380多萬平方米、草坪5萬餘平方米,多次獲得“鄭州市綠化造林先進單位”等稱號。

Zhengzhou International 母親河畔春色美如畫!鄭州黃河文化公園邀您“雲賞花”

source : Zhengzhou Dailyreporter: Cheng Yan, Li Weike,Yu Huidong,Yao Yingying

