姐弟恋可以有多美好 the cradle snatcher can be wonderful

姐弟恋可以有多美好 the cradle snatcher can be wonderful

英文并没有直接表达“姐弟恋”的说法,但我们可以用“cradle snatcher”这个词来表示,不过这个词指的是“和远比自己年轻的异性结婚或作伴的人”。


In the traditional sense, male and female are our common family group. And in general the needs of courtship, men are willing to find young and beautiful; women are willing to find mature and reliable. But sibling love is a rebellion against traditional ideas.


In today's society, love is free. It is possible to cross ages in love. Sister and brother love situations are often seen around us. In many people's opinion, the sibling relationship is nothing more than the overflow of motherhood of women, or the reason of male ecstasy complex, it is difficult to go to the end.


I think that true love does not care about the difference in age. As long as two people really treat each other, age is not a big issue. Not to mention that there are several unexpected benefits of cradle snatcher love




Although many boys in their 30s are still immersed in eating, drinking and playing, the 25-year-old girls have entered the ranks of leftover women. Today's little boys always grow up under the protection of their mothers. Such a spoiled person can be said to be a naughty boy. This kind of boy needs an older wife to train him to be mature, because women are born with maternal charity


Generally speaking, girls' psychological development is three to four years earlier than boys, so girls have a stronger sense of urgency and responsibility to form a family than boys of the same age,they are not easy to get angry

2. 姐弟恋能使双方更好的理财“女大三,抱金砖”不是没有道理的


People all know that most young girls like to play, buy, buy, travel, shop and so on. They don't know how to save, and older girls know it's not easy to get, spend, save, and never spend it


It's very important for a man to choose a woman to live with. The young girl just got married and didn't have any idea of money management and didn't know the importance of money management. The elder sister type woman will help you manage your finances silently, and will not spend money indiscriminately. You can trust her with the financial power

3. 可以使双方互相进步,一起提高


Generally speaking, Chinese women want their partners to be more mature, capable and able to handle all kinds of affairs. They want their partner to meet their security needs. Therefore, in sibling love, age itself is not a problem. The matching degree of psychological age and whether each other can meet their own psychological and emotional needs are important.


Sister and brother love, can make men motivated. The women from this are no longer beautiful girls, and they all have a certain economic foundation, and these are also able to stimulate men's self-motivation. In the eyes of many men, they hope that they have the ability, so they will have a hard working mentality, hope One day can surpass her and take care of her

4. 姐弟恋更加包容,互相保护


If a man is older than a woman, it is usually the man who tries his best to tolerate the woman, which will gradually make the man feel tired, which will seriously affect the relationship between the two, and the love between the siblings will make the woman more mature and considerate, so the relationship between the two eternal.


Sister-type girlfriends are more tolerant of boys. They are willing to take responsibility in the family. Even if the boy does something wrong, she still feels that he is not sensible, and even smiles, and even feels a bit cute. Avoid unilaterally tolerating girls, so boys will be very tired



