
What Inbound Foreigners Shall to Know the Requirements of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control in Hangzhou Qiantang New Area



Hello, Welcome (back) to Hangzhou Qiantang New Area.

您好,欢迎 (返回) 到杭州钱塘新区。

Since the epidemic of COVID-19, Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Administrative Committee has put the life and health of citizens and foreign friends first and taken prompt action in a science-based and coordinated way. We have implemented the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures of prevention and control, which have managed to maintain economic and social stability throughout our new area, and currently businesses are reopening and people gradually returning to their normal life. However, we still face severe pressure from the epidemic as it cuts through borders and spread further afield. Whether you are living, working or travelling in Qiantang New Area, we believe it is important to remind you of the following.

自新冠肺炎疫情流行以来,杭州钱塘新区管委会以市民和外国友人的生命健康为第一,科学、协调地迅速采取行动。我们实施了最全面、最严格和最彻底的预防和控制措施,努力维护整个新区的经济和社会稳定, 目前企业正在重新


I. Cooperate in health checks for epidemic prevention and control. Both foreigners and Chinese citizens are treated as equal in applying epidemic control measures. On occasions (or in places) required by the government, please understand and cooperate with field staff in carrying out health checks. As arriving, please abide by the prevention and control measures implemented by Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Administrative Committee. If you come from countries or regions with large number of infected cases, or have contacted anyone who is from the epidemic areas, please immediately report to your host or community (hotel) where you reside, and try the best to adopt such epidemic control measures as body temperature measurement, home-based or centralized medical quarantine for 14 days, so as to avoid the risk of transmission.


II. Step up self-protection. Wear face masks and wash hands as often as needed. Open the window for fresh air or maintain proper ventilation from time to time, and keep a clean living and working environment. Avoid going to crowded places, or holding or participating in events with large gatherings. Have safe and healthy food. Stay optimistic and have proper exercise to improve your immune system.


III. Ask for medical help immediately. If you have a fever, cough, chest tightness, fatigue or other symptoms, please wear a mask and stay calm. Then report promptly to your host or community (hotel), local health or immigration agencies, and go to the designated hospitals for treatment as advised.


IV. Follow official sources for information. Please follow the Latest Updates of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control in Zhejiang or Hangzhou Qiantang New Area posted on our official website.



Chinese mobile phone number holders can search for the ”浙江省新冠肺炎防控公共服务管理平台”(Novel Coronavirus Public Service and Management Platform of Zhejiang Province)by downloading the “浙里办”(zheliban)app to get information on relevant services. Stay away from misinformation or rumors.



中国手机号码持有者可以通过下载 “浙里办” (zheliban) 搜索“浙江省新冠肺炎病防控公共服务管理平台” (浙江省新型冠状病毒公共服务管理平台) 应用程序获取相关服务的信息。远离错误信息或谣言。

COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control needs the understanding, support, cooperation and participation by all of us. Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Administrative Committee attaches great importance to the health and safety of foreign friends. If you have any problems or questions about health, please call the 24-Hour and Warm-Heart Hotline for epidemic prevention and control of Hangzhou Qiantang New Area 0571-89898585 or 0571-89898092.

新冠肺炎疫情防控需要我们所有人的理解、支持、合作和参与。杭州钱塘新区管委会高度重视外国友人的健康和安全。如果您对健康有任何问题或疑问,请拨打杭州钱塘新区疫情防控暖心热线 0571-89898585 或 0571-89898092。

Thank you.



