03.05 可再生能源電力消納研究—《綠色電力購買指南》11合約影響






Contracting Challenges

Purchasing green power can be challenging, depending on the supply options available and the local regulatory environment. If an organization chooses to pursue long-term contracting, for example, it will incur transaction costs stemming from soliciting and vetting bidders, negotiating contracts and obtaining legal advisory services. These types of procurements are customized agreements.

If an organization chooses to pursue generation that it owns and operates, it will need to ensure site control (if off-site), undertake engineering feasibility studies, determine equipment size and type, obtain permits, design and specify the installation, secure a vendor, and contract for installation as well as operations and maintenance. If the project is on-site, but owned by someone else, the organization hosting the project may face many of the same challenges pertaining to long-term contracts and will need to address concerns about how the installation will affect the building or the facility’s operations.

Although organizations purchasing green power for the first time may need to invest extra effort to learn about the market and available options, these costs often decrease significantly over time as the buyer gains experience with the process. Following the information and strategies provided in this guide, particularly Chapter 6, should help reduce the contracting challenges faced by new purchasers of green power. In addition, sample contract templates are publicly available to help buyers avoid difficulties in signing a green power contract (see Chapter 10, Resources for Additional Information).


