03.01 极美英语句子之二(原创英语翻译)

11. It was hard to say what had depressed him more: the studied footwork of the couples on the dance floor, or the heartrending petty bourgeois piteousness of cucumber sandwiches passed around by accounting majors whose overly colorful bow ties had been expressly chosen to keep them from looking like waiters. – Nell Zink

很难说是什么使他更沮丧了:舞池里那对夫妇学习的步法,有点像会计专业学生传来的黄瓜三明治,呈现出令人心碎的小资产阶级的怜悯之情。他们特意选择了过于鲜艳的蝴蝶结,以免自己看起来像侍者。 –内尔·辛克


12. “What is astonishing is that we, who had no idea how anything was going to turn out, now know exactly what happened.” – Philip Roth

“令人吃惊的是,我们以前不知道会有什么结果,现在却知道到底发生了什么。” –菲利普·罗斯


13. “The building’s rusted fire escape would just come down, just come loose from its moorings and crash onto the street, if anyone stepped on it – a fire escape whose function was not to save lives in the event of a fire but to uselessly hang there testifying to the immense loneliness inherent to living.” – Philip Roth

“如果有人踩到这座大楼生锈的防火梯,它就会倒塌,从停机坪上松开,掉到街上——这座防火梯的功能不是在发生火灾时救人,而是徒劳地挂在那里,证明生活固有的巨大孤独感。” –菲利普·罗斯


14. Whatever I did I would do as I had done. – E.L. Doctorow



15. The fights between pupils were sometimes violent, the humiliations brutal and cruel, and Jed, being delicate and slight, would have been incapable of defending himself; but word spread that he was motherless, and such suffering, which none of them could claim to know, intimidated his schoolmates; thus there was around him a sort of halo of fearful respect. – Michel Houellebecq

学生之间的争斗有时是激烈的,羞辱是残酷的,杰德又娇弱又轻浮,他本来就保护不了自己;但有消息说,他没有母亲,他们谁也不知道他的这种痛苦。这吓坏了他的同学;因此,他周围有一种可怕的令人尊敬的光环。 –米歇尔·胡埃勒贝克


16. There were patches of blackened snow on the red-tiled roof, and through the black teeth of its towering chimney rose a column of lignite smoke; wedged between the triangle of the roof and the rectangle of the chimney was a bright blue sky. – Orhan Pamuk

红瓦屋顶上有一片片的黑雪,从它高耸的烟囱的黑色牙齿里冒出一股褐煤烟;在屋顶的三角形和烟囱的矩形中间夹着一片明亮的蓝天 -奥汉·帕穆克


17.“Objects, their outlines beginning to harden in the growing light, had a shadowy, totemic menace.” – Paula Fox

物体的轮廓在逐渐变亮的光线下开始变硬,显示出一种阴暗的图腾般的威胁。 ——保拉·福克斯


18. “When Jun Do had cordoned off the pounding in his eyes, and the hot blood in his nose, when he’d stopped the split in his lips and the sting in his ears from coming inside, when he’d blocked his arms and torso and shoulders from feeling, when that was all blocked off, there was only the inside of him, and what he discovered was a little boy in there who was stupidly smiling, who had no idea what was happening to the man outside.” – Adam Johnson

“当俊道封锁了他眼睛里看到的重击和鼻子里的热血,当他阻止了嘴唇上的裂痕和耳朵里的刺痛,当他锁住了他的手臂、躯干和肩膀,当一切都被封锁了,他只发现了他的内心,他发现了一个小男孩傻傻地笑着,不知道外面的人怎么了。” –亚当·约翰逊


19. “A single note, held in an amber suspension of time, like a charcoal drawing of Icarus falling.” – Karen Russell

“一张纸条,悬挂在琥珀色的时间通道里,就像一张伊卡洛斯坠落的木炭画。” ——凯伦·罗素


20. “Nothing is random, nor will anything ever be, whether a long string of perfectly blue days that begin and end in golden dimness, the most seemingly chaotic political acts, the rise of a great city, the crystalline structure of a gem that has never seen the light, the distributions of fortune, what time the milkman gets up, or the position of the electron.” – Mark Helprin

“没有什么是随机的,也不会有任何事情是随机的,无论是以金色朦胧开始和一长串完美的蓝色结束的日子,最看似混乱的政治行为,一座伟大城市的崛起,从未见过光明的宝石的水晶结构,财富的分配,还有送牛奶的人什么时候起床,或者一个电子的位置都是随机的。” –马克·赫普林


