03.17 外媒評出:讓老外討厭你的10種方法?不可思議,歪果仁這麼難伺候


Generally speaking, you've only got a few seconds to make someone want to spend more time with you. And in those precious few seconds, everything matters — from your last name to the smell of your sweat (unfair and gross, we know). Below, Business Insider rounded up various scientific findings on the traits and behaviors that make people dislike you, both online and in person.






A 2013 study found that posting too many photos on Facebook can hurt your real-life relationships. "This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves," lead study author David Houghton, of Birmingham Business School, said in a release. Specifically, friends don't like it when you've got too many photos of family, and relatives don't like it when you've got too many photos of friends.


Specifically】adv. 特別的、明確的。




In a 2008 study, Michigan State University researchers asked college students to look at fictional Facebook profiles and decide how much they liked the profiles' owners. Results showed that the "sweet spot" for likability was about 300 friends. Likability ratings were lowest when a profile owner had only about 100 friends, and almost as low when they had more than 300 friends.


profiles】n. v. 配置文件、個人檔案、扼要描述、給出輪廓。



都說交朋友就是要讓對方更瞭解自己,比如公佈自己的一些“小秘密”。但是心理學家指出,太早的公開這些過於親近的“小秘密”的時候,會讓歪果仁產生距離感。比如說,你的妹妹和一個結婚的男人正在熱戀……伊利諾伊州立大學(Illinois State University)在2013年曾研究表明,只分享關於你的愛好或者是最喜歡的童年記憶,才會讓你看起來更加溫暖、可愛。其他過於隱私的“小秘密”,還是請保留好吧!

But psychologists say that disclosing something too intimate — say, that your sister is having an extramarital affair — while you're still getting to know someone can make you seem insecure and decrease your likability. The key is to get just the right amount of personal. As a 2013 study led by Susan Sprecher at Illinois State University suggests, simply sharing details about your hobbies and your favorite childhood memories can make you seem warmer and more likable.


intimate】adj. n. vt. 親密的、知己、暗示、通知、宣佈。

insecure】adj. 不安全的、不穩定的。




That same 2013 study by found an important caveat to the idea that self-disclosure predicts closeness: It has to be mutual. People generally like you less if you don't reciprocate when they disclose something intimate. In the study, unacquainted participants either engaged in back-and-forth self-disclosure or took turns self-disclosing for 12 minutes each while the other listened. Results showed that participants in the back-and-forth group liked each other significantly more.


participants】n. 參與者。



如果你的社交軟件裡的個人資料的照片,是自己臉部特寫的奇怪照片,那麼最好換掉。加利福尼亞理工學院(California Institute of Technology)的研究表明,近距離拍攝的臉部照片,不如遠距離拍攝的有吸引力。也就是說,不要拍臉部放大的照片,歪果仁會覺得這樣很奇怪。

If your LinkedIn profile features an image of your face practically smushed up against the camera, you'd be wise to change it. Research from California Institute of Technology suggests that faces photographed from just 45 centimeters — about 1.5 feet — away are considered less trustworthy, attractive, and competent than faces photographed from 135 centimeters, about 4.5 feet, away.


trustworthy】adj. 可靠的、可信賴的。




In one 2016 study, University of Oregon researchers videotaped people watching two movie scenes: the fake-orgasm part of the movie "When Harry Met Sally" and a sad scene from "The Champ." In some cases, the actors were instructed to react naturally; in another they were instructed to suppress their emotions.



雖說讓自己表現的越是無私,越是熱愛幫助他人,會有越多的人喜歡你。但是2010年華盛頓州立大學(Washington State University)的一項研究表明,如果周圍的隊友一直表示自己的無私奉獻,會讓他們看起來很糟糕。而其他人則會懷疑這種一直表示無私的人是別有動機。所以說,不要太愛表示自己無私奉獻?

It makes logical sense that the nicer and more altruistic you seem, the more people will like you. But some science suggests otherwise. In a similar, follow-up experiment in the same study, some said the unselfish teammate made them look bad; others suspected they had ulterior motives.


ulterior】adj. 將來的、較遠的、在那邊的。



這種以謙虛的態度包裝自己,然後進行自我炫耀也是非常讓歪果仁反感的。根據哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)最近做的一項研究表明,這種謙虛式炫耀的行為讓人不喜。研究還表示,多數人覺得他們寧願聽直接的炫耀,也不想聽那些虛偽的謙虛或者抱怨。看來歪果仁很討厭這種一邊謙虛,一邊炫耀的行為啊!

In an effort to impress friends and potential employers, some people disguise bragging as self-criticism. This behavior, otherwise known as "humblebragging," could be a turn-off, according to a recent study from Harvard Business School.




Never let 'em see — or smell — you sweat. Research suggests that the odor of your nervous sweat may subconsciously influence people's judgments of your personality.


subconsciously】adv. 潛意識的。



不管參加什麼社交活動,請記住一定要微笑。美國懷俄明大學(University of Wyoming)的一項研究表明,只要是微笑的人都會讓人十分喜歡。另一項研究也表明,初次見面的微笑,會更有助於保證見過你的人會記住你。看來,笑臉是讓人喜歡的最有利方式啊!請記住,千萬不要板著一副憂鬱臉。

When you're at a networking event and meeting lots of new people, it can be hard to keep a smile plastered on your face. Try anyway. Bonus: Another study found that smiling when you first meet someonehelps ensure that they'll remember you later.







