03.08 Feldman Architecture

位於聖盧西亞保護區綿延起伏的山丘上的“毛毛蟲”住宅的設計旨在突出住宅與這片土地的聯繫。客戶曾經住在由Cliff May設計的房子中,因而對現代“草原房屋”這個住宅類型情有獨鍾。客戶希望在這個基地上建造一個牧場房屋,同時尊重現有的自然環境。“毛毛蟲”住宅得名於其形似毛毛蟲的平面造型。住宅使用了環保的設計元素且對於草原住宅的當代形式進行了探索:它有著橫向延伸而豎向較低的體量,緊密連接室內室外空間的開放式平面,以及圍繞著廚房鬆散排布的客廳。

The design for the Caterpillar House, sited on the softly rolling hills of the Santa Lucia Preserve, sought to accentuate a connection to the land. Having lived in a Cliff May home, the client came to the project with a love of modern ranch houses and looking for an environmentally-conscious response to a beautiful site. The Caterpillar House implements sustainable elements while exploring a contemporary version of the ranch ideals: massing that is low and horizontal, an open plan with a strong connection between indoor and outdoor spaces, and main living areas that center informally on the kitchen.

▼基地概覽,site overview

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

▼基地上的住宅,低矮的體量不打破原有自然環境的和諧,house on site with elongated and low volume, respecting the original nature topography

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture


Connecting the home literally and figuratively to the site, excavated earth was repurposed for the construction of the walls. These rammed earth walls gently curve in response to the site’s contours and also act as a thermal mass, regulating temperatures from day to night. Three tanks close to the home proudly store rainwater and provide all of the property’s irrigation needs. Large south-facing glass doors open the main living area to a large covered contemporary porch and to an outdoor patio with sun shades that expand and contract to allow for a flexible entertaining area that responds to the client’s needs. The glazing, natural ventilation and operable shading also act as a passive heating and cooling system. Integrated photovoltaic panels enable the house to produce all of its own energy requirements without compromising the graceful curve of the low roof against the hill.

▼微微彎曲的夯土牆,gently curved rammed earth walls

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

▼玻璃門打開後,內外空間連接在一起,the main living area,a large covered contemporary porch and an outdoor patio with sun shades connect to become an open space

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

▼廚房與客廳在一個大空間內, the main living areas that center informally on the kitchen

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

“毛毛蟲”住宅是加利佛利亞中部第一個獲得 LEED白金認證的住宅。

The Caterpillar House was the first LEED Platinum Custom Home on California’s Central Coast.


基地與景觀| Site and Landscape






At 2800sf, house is modest in size and half the size of the average house within the Preserve;

Non-invasive plants;

Compact development leaving the majority of the site undisturbed;

98% of site is permeable; impermeable surface run-off is directed to on-site catchment system;

All hardscape is high albedo to reduce heat island effect;

節水| Water Efficiency




27,300 gallon rainwater harvesting system;

Native, drought-tolerant landscaping;

Low flow bathroom fixtures;

▼室內裝修使用了大量的木材和竹材, the interior design relies heavily on wood and bamboo

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

被動式太陽能加熱和冷卻| Passive Solar Heating and Cooling


露石混凝土地板和夯土牆形成蓄熱體, 白天吸收太陽熱量,到了涼爽的夜晚慢慢釋放熱量;

南向的玻璃有0.25的 u係數和0.4的太陽能得熱係數(SHGC),使得被動式太陽能的效率最大化, 同時減少有害紫外線的穿過;








Elongated East-West orientation maximizes the efficiency of passive heating;

Exposed concrete floors and rammed earth walls form a thermal mass that absorbs heat from daytime sun and release it slowly during the cool nights;

South facing glazing has .25 U-factor and .4 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) to maximize passive solar gain, but minimize harmful UV rays;

Cross ventilation and ceiling fans for cooling;

Shading trellises and long overhangs on south and west also reduce the need for a cooling system;

Deciduous tress and retractable awnings provide summer shading on south-facing glazing;

Air leakage minimized with blown-in, bio-based insulation;

Insulated, recirculating hot water system;

Exceeds by 49% the Title-24 requirements;

EnergyStar rating for thermal bypass system;

節能的主動式系統| Energy Efficient Active Systems




Integrated photovoltaic panel system produces 115% of annual energy requirements;

Zoned radiant floor heating system, designed to reduced distribution loss;

Energy efficient appliances and lighting;

▼入口長廊空間,the hallway at the entrance

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

毛毛蟲住宅,加利福尼亞卡梅爾山谷/ Feldman Architecture

