






















A Letter to All Foreign Friends

in Laizhou

February 5, 2020

Foreign friends in Laizhou,

In order to curb the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the CPC Laizhou Committee and Laizhou Municipal People's Government attach great importance to the situation and have been making unified arrangement and deployment of resources. Aiming at the effective epidemic control and prevention and the protection of people's health and well-being, hereby we, Foreign Affairs Office of Laizhou Municipal People's Government, recommend the following practices to our foreign friends in Laizhou.

I. Follow official information release. Visit the official website of Shandong Provincial Health Commission and Yantai Municipal Health Commission or follow "sdswsjkw" "jrlzgzpt" "hklzwx" (the official WeChat account run by Shandong Provincial Health Commission and Laizhou Publicity Department) for the epidemic updates, the list of designated hospitals and prevention and control guide.

II. Strengthen prevention and self-protection. Keep good hygiene by washing hands often with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer. Drink plenty of water. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or with flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. No spitting. Dispose of garbage properly and dispose of used face masks properly according to instructions. Air rooms properly, clean houseware every day and sanitize them regularly, and keep rooms clean. Avoid close contact with wild animals or birds. Cook eggs and meat thoroughly.

III. Minimize outdoor activities. Avoid crowded places, parties and group activities. A surgical or N95 mask shall be worn when visiting public areas, hospitals or taking public transportation.

IV. Strictly follow isolation procedures. If you have lived in, visited or travelled to seriously infected areas, or if you have been in close contact with people who came back from epidemic areas and have shown respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, please stay at home to observe your health condition for 14 days starting from the last day of your stay in infected areas or your contact with the above-mentioned people with respiratory symptoms. Please show cooperation and support when the personnel from government authorities,community organizations and medical organizations conduct work for epidemic prevention and control, especially when they are surveying, sampling, testing people or isolating and treating patients while it is necessary.

V. Go to a designated hospital in time. Major symptoms of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) include fever, fatigue and cough. Upper respiratory symptoms such as nasal obstruction or running nose are rarely seen. For some patients, the symptoms begin mildly, even without a fever. If you have respiratory symptoms such as fever or cough, please go to the fever clinic of the nearest hospital designated by the municipal health commission with a mask on as soon as possible (contact number of fever clinic in the Laizhou People's Hospital:0535-2628568 or 0535-2276192).

The CPC Laizhou Committee and Laizhou Municipal People's Government have confidence and ability in controlling the epidemic. The Foreign Affairs Office of Laizhou Municipal People's Government would like to express our deep appreciation to all the foreigners in Laizhou for supporting our epidemic prevention and control efforts in different ways. We will further optimize foreign-related services and provide greater convenience for your work and life in Laizhou (contact number of Foreign Affairs Office of Laizhou Municipal People's Government:0535-2222515). Let us all wish for the best, do our utmost, and join hands in securing a final victory in the battle against the epidemic!

Foreign Affairs Office of Laizhou

Municipal People's Government

