
Video Clears Black Child Accused of Groping White Woman in NYC Bodega



Earlier this week, a white woman accused a young black boy of grabbing her behind inside a New York City bodega—but newly released surveillance footage of the encounter shows the child never intentionally touched her. The New York Post reports that the woman was paying for two bags of cat litter at Sahara Deli Market in Flatbush Wednesday when the little boy, who was wearing a bulky backpack and carrying a plastic bag, walked past her with his mother. In the video, it appears the bag the boy was carrying brushed against the woman as he walked by. The footage obtained by the Post then shows the woman turn around and start yelling at the mother and the boy. Customers within the store began to record the confrontation, and in a video that went viral this week, the boy can be heard crying as the woman calls the cops. “I want the cops here right now!” the woman, who identified herself as Teresa Klein, says into her phone. “The son grabbed my ass, and she decided to yell at me.” Other customers can be heard confronting Klein, with one woman telling her, “Nobody wants to touch your flat ass.”

