五年级上册Unit2Let's talk试讲稿第二步(原创)

StepII Presentation

OK,now look at the screen(用类似的语言传达给评委你在使用多媒体教学)Who are they?

Who can tell me?Any volunteers? Ok ,the boy in red,please(四指并拢指向学生的方向,这是你在于学生互动,注意眼神也要跟过去),yes,they are Wuyifan and Oliver...(边点头边转述答案)Can you guess what they are talking about?Who is the old man?(引出文章)Yes may be...ok now let's listen and check...

This time,who can tell me the answer?Any volunteers?ok, that lovely girl,please(四指并拢指向学生的方向,这是你在于学生互动,注意眼神也要跟过去)Yes ,he is Mr Young,Is he young?No,he doesn't. Very good,good answers.You can win two ladders for your group,everybody clap for her.

五年级上册Unit2Let's talk试讲稿第二步(原创)

Let's read the dialogue with your partner and find what Mr Young teach and what is Mr Young like?(同样的方式解决问题)

Boys and girls,let's role play the dialogue,(教师和学生分角色朗读示范)Boys and girls,now work in pairs,3 minutes for you and I will find someone to show the dialogue ( 给学生时间练习对话,此时教师巡视指导并解决读音等问题)

Time is up,who want to show?wow so many students want to show,let's play the game 'hot potato' to choose the lucky pair,remember the potato is so hot please pass it as quickly as you can.(游戏选择学生表演活跃课堂气氛)

Are you ready?(学生展示对话过程参照以上教学过程,边听边转述,注意展示完的评价,过程中可以呈现难点,比如某个单词的发音。)

