骂UZI的韩国主播引起公愤 几乎所有西方网友都在谴责他


骂UZI的韩国主播引起公愤 几乎所有西方网友都在谴责他


“我承认我情绪沮丧手搓”,并且叫别人“shut up pig”是十分错误 的。但是我什么时候在单排遇到UZI,这个人就老是这个样子,我作为一个打野对他的态度 感到很有压力。已经至少有十把游戏这样了。另外,中国玩家们跑到韩服来,乱送游戏还打字说korean pig的情况真的太多太频繁了。如果你们了解一丁点这些背景情况我会很感激的。我会尽我最大努力更成熟不喷人。

骂UZI的韩国主播引起公愤 几乎所有西方网友都在谴责他


[–]SoleahApril Fools Day 2018 1019 points 13 hours ago

TLDR: Sorry not sorry.


[–]cadaada 485 points 13 hours ago

"chineses are pigs, so sorry but it was deserved" LUL


[–]LeSirJay 220 points 12 hours ago

yeah what the fuck is that apology lol

"I insulted him, but it was his fault."



[–]Lenticious 203 points 12 hours ago

It's just a statement, was probably not meant as an apology.


[–]lolix007 78 points 11 hours ago

i don't think that was an apology dude. He jsut gave more backstory to the whole situation.


[–]WatDaSpark 41 points 11 hours ago

Isn't reddit usually saying running it down should be more punishable than toxicity though? Ik reddit's not hivemind but I figured that was the general consensus


[–]LeSirJay 13 points 11 hours ago

Neither side is right. Theyre both wrong. Uzi shouldnt have inted and the dude shouldnt have used racial slurs. Saying that hes sorry but he deserved to be called that isnt an apology.


骂UZI的韩国主播引起公愤 几乎所有西方网友都在谴责他

[–]keelit 422 points 13 hours ago

And what about him favoriting and liking all the "dead chinese" comments? The guy is clearly racist against chinese people


[–]Domjrdb 226 points 13 hours ago

Again, spamming ping is not an offence. It may be annoying, but it doesn't break the summoner's code. This guy calling Uzi a pig and then telling his viewers to stream snipe Uzi, as well as Uzi inting are both what matters. At this point, any ruling KR Riot makes against Uzi will have to be done with an appropriate punishment to the streamer, if they end up doing anything at all.


[–]GreenGoblin111 173 points 12 hours ago

It's very clear here Korean fans are trying to push outrage on reddit to desperately try to get Uzi banned. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are making your country look like a joke.


[–]AlbusGR 71 points 12 hours ago

Yep, and they are now calling anyone who doesn't support their stand "Chinese" when reddit is clearly a western platform. I was just "named and shamed" by some one earlier for saying Korean solo Q is toxic. I wouldn't believe for a second that China has that many people who can comment in proper English


[–]TheDMWarriorEU LCS Journalist 29 points 10 hours ago

Dunno buddy, I'm pretty neutral on this situation given that I'm from EU, and while I do think that the KR streamer should definitely get punished, Uzi should be as well. Running it down, especially as the most popular/best player in the World, is horrible, given his role-model status.


[–]Sandminotaur 16 points 10 hours ago

Yep. He should be fined. The Korean streamer should be perma'd for encouraging his fans to snipe and int/insult Uzi.

Korean fans are scummy as fuck it seems. Inven blowing up small shit and now this proves it.



[–]PipinfCLG/KLG 91 points 11 hours ago

Looks like they are pretty afraid of RNG.


[–]ACoolRedditHandle 53 points 10 hours ago

They should be


[–]Kighte 101 points 14 hours ago

When it comes down to it, I'd question the motivation for this. Obviously getting Uzi banned has greater impact and is bigger news than this guy admitting he was toxic. This guy has so little to lose and generally so much to gain by excusing himself and painting Uzi as the bad guy.


[–]okama__gamesphere 71 points 13 hours ago

is he seriously trying to say that chinese players come to troll korean solo q when we've seen the exact opposite of that (koreans trolling lpl and western pros)

this guy is delusional



[–]renmere -32 points 14 hours ago

do you have more information of kr soloQ than him who have played for years? I think you are delusional.


[–]GreenDogYT 46 points 13 hours ago

I think you already forgot Cowsep’s case. And what happened after Asian Games. And MSI...

I have nothing against Korean players, but Riot KR should act maturely and stop with the racism against every non-Korean player



[–]vhearts 62 points 11 hours ago

it's korea world cup all over again


[–]Zc121398 [score hidden] an hour ago

It's true. The whole world knows how KR behave.


[–]TightLittleWarmHole -28 points 10 hours ago

Can I bring up something from decades ago and totally irrelevant anytime a specific country has some controversy next time?


[–]krazy2xtreme 23 points 9 hours ago

It's not irrelevant because Koreans still have the same mentality they had back then; the same hyper psycho nationalism that results in racist stuff like this streamer is doing.


( 此翻译转载自 肥肥酱油麦 发表在·英雄联盟 https:/bbs.hupu.com/lol)

