

Task2: Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is undeniable that citizens should be obligated to maintain a less polluted environment. However, I strongly believe that taking care of local environment is a collective responsibility for both individuals and organizations.

It is vital for the government to require each member of local communities to take the responsibility for producing fewer pollutants. If a lifestyle that consumes more energy and resources is more prevalent among residents, there will be a higher possibility of people breathing dangerously polluted air and drinking chemically contaminated water. On the contrary, with effective policies imposed by the government towards enhancing people’s awareness of living a greener life, the deterioration of existing environmental challenges can be curbed. In London, for example, congestion fees have always been able to encourage commuters to choose an environmentally-friendly means of transportation, such as riding a bus or cycling.

Nevertheless, it is entirely unreasonable to hold individual citizens solely and fully responsible for combating environmental hazards threatening their local communities. This is primarily due to the fact that individual effort seems insignificant when it comes to certain environmental threats. When rivers and lakes are becoming poisonous as a result of the water discharged from factories, for example, the only solution local citizens can count on is the action taken by the government to eliminate the source of pollution by shutting down the manufacturers, which is beyond what the individual can achieve. In light of this, the responsibility for preventing environmental crisis should be shouldered not only by people but also the government.

In conclusion, the joint effort of multilateral partnerships is the key to maintaining a clean environment.


