




今天先分享的是題目為introduction to German Flying Discs (德國飛碟介紹)的文章。也就是下面這文章。



Probably the most misunderstood and problematic of all terrestrial-based disc technology lies at the heart of the German disc programs that started with the birth of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) in 1920- a full 13 years before Adolf Hitler came to power as the leader of the Third Reich.


To fully comprehend the depth of these programs requires the knowledge that above all else the NSDAP was founded from the onset by the occult Thule (1917) and Vril (1919) Gesellschafts (Societies), and other occult groups like the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that stretched back to the turn of the 20th century with the old German Order (a.k.a. Order of Teutons).


As such the very first disc project in Germany built in 1922 was not even an aircraft but an inter-dimensional flight machine in disc form - the JFM built by Thule-Vril.


When Adolf Hitler (a Thule member along with Goering, Himmler, and various other top Nazi officials) became chancellor in Germany in 1933 the 11 year occult metaphysical science of Thule-Vril became strengthened by official state backing for the continued disc development programs starting with an RFZ (RundFlugZeug), or "Round Aircraft" series of discs that utilized levitators developed by W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the JFM.


1934 saw the first RFZ discs

built which led in five short years to two vast programs of highly advanced disc aircraft overseen by Himmler’s SS- specifically, the SS technical branch Unit E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) which was created to explore various alternative energies.

1934年,第一個RFZ圓盤建成,它在短短的5年時間裡,在希姆萊的黨衛軍的監督下,由希姆萊的黨衛軍的技術分支機構E-IV(IV是希臘字母代表數字4,並不是13,這可能導致國內網絡誤傳的爆破手研究室13)(Entwicklungsstelle 4)所設計的兩個大型的超高級圓盤飛機項目,是專門用來探索各種替代能源。

This unit was tasked with developing both the Haunebu and Vril Disc designs that utilized the world’s first electro-magnetic-gravitic drive systems:

the Vril and Thule Triebwerks.

這個部門的任務是開發出一個使用世界上第一個電磁重力驅動系統的“HAUNEBU哈無內夫”和Vril飛碟設計。這是Vril和Thule Triebwerks(推進器)。

These drives relied on Hans Coler’s free energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a huge spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity.

這些推進器依賴於Hans Coler的自由能源轉換器和一個范德格拉夫發電機(此人發明了高壓靜電發生器)和馬可尼渦旋發動機(一個巨大的球形水銀容器)來產生強大的旋轉電磁場來影響重力。


