
1.What a shame ! 太可惜了. (shame可以表示羞耻,也可以表示可惜遗憾)

2.Don't get me wrong. 不要误会我的意思.

3. You've got it all wrong. 你完全搞错了.

4. Don't fall for it. 别上当,别信.

5. I'm not falling for your crap again! 我不会再相信你的鬼话了

6. Don't fall for me. 不要爱上我 (此话好贱, fall for 既可以表示‘爱上’,也可以表示‘上当’)

7. What took you so long? 你怎么现在才来?

8. I won't be long. 我很快就好.

9. Will tomorrow do? 明天可以吗?

10. Dinner's on me. 晚饭我请客.

11. We're even. 我们扯平了.

12. Would it kill you to hug me? 你抱下我会死啊?

13. That'll be all. 就这么多.(点菜可以用)

14. We'll see. 到时再看吧/ 走着瞧吧

15. Keep up the good work. 再接再厉,继续加油.

16. I've made up my mind. 我已经下定决心了.

17. Sorry. No can do. 不好意思,这事儿办不了.

18. For sure./ Sure thing./ Sure. 当然了.一定的.

19. Can I count on you? 这事儿我能指望你吗?

20. You can count on it. 这事儿肯定能办成.

21. You'll get used to it. 你会习惯的.

22. I feel the same way. 我也有同感.

23. We've been through a lot.我俩一起经历过很多事儿.

24. I can't make it back tonight. 今晚我赶不回去了.

25. Something came up. 我这发生了点事儿.

