看老友記學英語|第1季第1集 教你地道英語口語表達和小詞用法

看老友記學英語|第1季第1集 教你地道英語口語表達和小詞用法

原文1:There’s nothing to tell. 沒什麼好說的

原文2:So does he have a hump and a hairpiece? 他既駝背又戴假髮?


1.n. 小山;小丘;岡

The path goes over a large hump by a tree before running near a road. 小道越過一處傍樹的大圓丘,然後沿著一條大路向前延伸。

2.n. 駝峰

3.n. 駝背

4.v. 費勁地揹負,搬運重物

To hump a rucksack(揹包)

5. be over the hump 已度過難關;已克服困難

We’re basically over the hump.

Hairpiece 假髮

原文3:All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. And it turns out it’s my mother. 突然那個電話響了 結果是我媽媽打來的

It turns out 結果發現,原來

It turns out to be a fraud. 原來這是個騙局。

She'll put the blame on us if it turns out badly. 如果這件事結果不好,她會怪我們的。

原文4:How should I know? 我怎麼會知道?

原文5:Oh, I was kind of hoping that wouldn’t be an issue. 噢,我希望你不會把它當一回事。



A key issue for higher education is the need for greater diversity of courses. 高等教育的一個重要議題是要使課程更加多樣化。

看老友記學英語|第1季第1集 教你地道英語口語表達和小詞用法


I was earning a lot of money, but that was not the issue. 我賺很多錢,但那不是最重要的。


The latest issue of… 最新一期




A tinny voice issued from a speaker. 揚聲器裡傳出了細微的聲音。

7.At issue 爭論中的;討論中的

One of the main points at issue is… 爭論的要點之一是...

8.Make an issue of something 使…引起關注;在…上挑起爭論

It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair. 看上去上校不想在那件事上挑起爭端。

9.Take issue with someone or something 不同意;對…持異議

I will not take issue with the fact that we have a recession. 我不否認經濟衰退的事實。

10.have issues with sth. 在…方面有困難

Have issues with food 在吃東西上有問題

原文6:…and she’s really not happy about it. 而她很不喜歡那個。

看老友記學英語|第1季第1集 教你地道英語口語表達和小詞用法

原文7:Joey, stop hitting on her. It’s her wedding day. 喬伊,不要再對她放電了,今天是她結婚的日子。

Hit on


She was hitting on me and I was surprised and flattered. 她在挑逗我,這讓我感到既驚訝又受寵若驚。


Hit on a solution 找到解決辦法

原文8:He finally asked you out? 他終於約你出去啦?

Ask…out 約…出去

看老友記學英語|第1季第1集 教你地道英語口語表達和小詞用法

原文9:Actually, thanks, but I’m just gonna hang out here tonight. 謝謝了,不過我想今晚還是留在這裡把。

Hang out


I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out. 擔心自己沒法把洗好的衣服晾出去。


I often used to hang out in supermarkets. 我過去經常在超市裡逛個沒完。

原文10:Ever since she walked out on me, I… 自從她離開我之後,我…

Walk out on


Walk out on the job/ her husband 辭職/拋棄丈夫


Walk out on the contract 違反合同


Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking. 當主席仍在講話時, 委員會的半數成員便離席以示抗議。

原文11:You wanna spell it out with noodles? 你想邊吃麵條邊講出來?

Spell out 詳細說明,講清楚

Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel. 要自信點兒,把自己的感受講清楚。


