







既然我們聽到的是學術類的文章,那麼必然會講到文章中的學術術語。而且很多情況下這個學術術語都會以板書的形式出現在屏幕上,並且停頓1-2秒鐘。即當聽到“something is called X”, 或者“we can call it X”的時候,大家要警惕了這個術語或者概念就非常有考到的可能,比如在近期的一場考試當中,就考到了文學中“意識流”這個概念。問題這種題目的問題形式大多是“”what does the professor say about the X”, “what can we imply about X”做錯這個題的學生一是忽略了這個考點,另外,更重要的是學生在聽到這個術語出現的時候,只是把術語記了下來,然而忽略了後面更重要的解釋。


我們來看一下TPO12 L1, 這一篇講的是細胞分裂(cell division), 這一篇從結構上來講,並不是特別結構清晰的文章,但是考點個個清楚明確,其中講到了chromosome,telomere, telomerase 等幾個術語的定義,而且後兩個還全都考到了。講到telomere時原文如下:“Anyway, if we examine these ends of these coils of DNA, we will find a sequence of DNA at each end of every human chromosome, called a telomere. Now a telomere is a highly repetitious and genetically meaningless sequence of DNA, what we were calling JUNK DNA”。所以,當聽到called a telomere, 並且屏幕上伴隨著出現這個詞的時候,就應該簡寫記下來了,然後後面的解釋,就該記形容詞repetitious, genetically meaningless就可以啦。


What does the professor say about the DNA in a telomere?

A. it causes a cell to begin dividing

B. it separates one gene from another

C. it is genetically meaningless

D. it has no function


TPO23 L3 “well, it turns out dolphins have a structure their foreheads, just in front of their nasal sacs, called a melon. Now, the melon is kind of a large sac-like pouch, made up of fat tissue” 當我們聽到“”called a melon”的時候,這個術語就應個記下來了,然後重點記後面的形容詞,副詞和動詞,那麼melon後面的關鍵詞有:large, sac-like, fat。


What is the dolphin’s melon?

A. an oval-shaped bone that lets the dolphin hear sounds

B. an organ made of fat tissue that helps dolphin send sound waves

C. an air-filled cavity that let the dolphin breathe underwater

D. an organ filled with water that helps the dolphin measure depth


2. 否定

否定一直是好多同學做細節題的一個絆腳石。究其原因,首先,雖然NOT這個詞聽起來淺顯易懂,但很多同學容易忽視這個考點,聽到這個詞的時候,筆記上沒有呈現,而自己的瞬時記憶中又搜尋不到這個信息點,等作為選項之一出現的時候,對錯自然就很難判斷了。原因之二,是有些否定涉及到弱讀,比如:won’t, hasn’t, wouldn’t, isn’t這些詞出現的時候,t經常弱讀到幾乎聽不出來,這個時候學生想記筆記都無從下筆。對於這種幾乎每篇聽力都會出現一次的否定,應如何應對呢?


TPO18 L4聽力原文“Student: Does the thawing process have some kind of trigger as well? Professor: well, we are not sure actually, the clearer thing is even though the sun is warning the frog up on the outside, the inside thaw out first, the heart and brain and everything”


What are the two points the professor makes about the thawing process of the wood frog?

A. The thawing process is not fully understood.

B. The thawing process takes longer than the freezing process.

C. The frog’s internal organs thaw before its outer skin thaws.

D. Thawing occurs when the frog’s heart begins pumping glucose through its body.

這個題目從考點上看,最基本的考點是問答,尤其是老師解釋型的答案要記好,而在老師的回答中,第一個信息點就是否定“not sure”, 第二個信息點就是序數詞“inside thaw out first”, 只要回答裡的這兩個信息點記下來了,那麼這個雙選題就拿下了。

所以大家以後一定要提高對於否定這個考點敏感度,當聽到像“not”這樣清晰的否定的時候,記得時刻記下來,可以用×來表示;當聽到像won’t, hasn’t, wouldn’t, isn’t這些否定時,如果沒有聽到弱讀的“t”,那麼可以根據此句前後句去判斷,比如:TPO18 L3 Spice香料這一篇,其中有提到”Now for taste, spices aren’t native to Europe and they had to be imported”, 當聽到”aren’t native”的時候,有些聽力不夠好的同學聽到的是”are native”, 但聽到語速較慢的後面“had to be imported”又會覺得邏輯不通,這個時候建議同學們可以果斷確定前面的否定你們沒有聽到,畢竟後面的內容語速慢,是可以確定的。


Based on the lecture, indicate whether each of the following is true about spices in medieval Europe. Click in the correct box for each phrase?



A. They had to be imported


3. 關於講座開頭的提問或事例



TPO17 L1 “Amy: why don’t we know the exact date when this head was made? Professor: That’s a fair question. We are talking about prehistory here. So obviously the artists didn’t put a signature or date on anything they did. So how do we know when this figure was carved? ”這是在講座第一分十秒開始的一個問答,題目的考試形式是重聽題,重聽內容即以上片段中的內容,那麼按照答題規律,這道題目不管問法如何,答案選的是引出下文:

Why does the professor say this?

A. to make the point that written records are not important

B. to explain why the question is worth discussing

C. to justify the omission of an important point

D. to express this point about the quality of prehistoric art


TPO 18 L4 “well, it’s finally looking like spring is arriving. The last winter snow would be melting away in a few days. So before we close today, I thought I have mentioned a biological event that’s a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go out and watch if you have some patience.” 此片段是講座中前三十秒的內容,在這一部分中,professor提到了春天,冬雪,生物現象等首次出現的名詞或者事例。


Why does the professor first mention the arrival of spring?

A. to encourage the student to look for thawing wood frog

B. to point out the time period when frogs begin mating

C. to explain why the class will soon be doing experiments with wood frogs

D. to emphasize the speed of the thawing process







TPO 02 Behaviorism

TPO 10 Childhood Amnesia

TPO 14 Cognition

TPO 15 Distraction

TPO 30 Metacognition


TPO 04 Emerson

TPO 05 Folktales and Fairy Tales

TPO 06 Creative Writing(Character Sketch)

TPO 13 Medieval Poetry

TPO 20 Norwegian Folktales

Sample Test Detective Novels

TPO 09 Features of Human Language

TPO 19 Family Tree Model

TPO 20 Gricean Maxims


另外,我們提到另外一個需要注意的就是考點。來看一下TPO14 L1 Cognition這一篇,心理學的文章:總分結構。總:cognition, 分:perception, remembering和imagination。這些詞在辨別起來有些模糊,尤其是總的觀點cognition和分論點perception, 但是題目卻是根據總分結構來出的,除了開頭的主旨題,和結尾的重聽題,中間的三個題目都是針對三個分論點來的,所以只要把三個分論點地下相對應的例子記下了,至少中間三個題就沒問題了。比如第二題:Why does the professor mention a study with a word list?

這裡的word list就是對應的第一個分論點remembering的例子,所以答案我們選的是“to illustrate a type of mistake that people make whenrecalling details”. 這裡的recalling details 就是對remembering的同義替換。第三題:What was demonstrated by the study on perception that the professor mentions? 這裡的核心詞是perception, 也就是這篇講座中的第二個分論點,正確選項“the brain can automatically supply details that were not actually perceived”, 大腦會提供一些其實沒有被認知的細節。而這個選項也是符合文章主旨的。



