


The power of __1__ continues to amaze us all, and now scientists have __2__ the ante yet again, creating a silicone heart that beats just like a human one.The group, based in Zurich, posted a video of their model which even has a __3__ through the heart just like a real organ.The only caveat with this __4__, is that it only lasts for 3,000 beats, and then the material gives out.To you and I this may seem like a __5__, but researchers say it's a major advance toward potential options when considering how to build artificial hearts, which now rely on __6__ that are prone to complications. Heart disease is the __7__ of death in the United States,with people of all ages and __8__ suffering from the illness. An __9__ in this field could provide __10__ to those patients, and millions more worldwide.




6月19日,個人所得稅法修正案草案提請十三屆全國人大常委會第三次會議審議,這是個稅法自1980年出臺以來第七次大修。主要內容包括:個稅起徵點由每月3500元提高至每月5000元(每年6萬元);工資薪金、勞務報酬、稿酬和特許權使用費等四項勞動性所得首次實行綜合徵稅。——個稅法迎來第七次大修 起徵點擬提至每月5000元,國際在線,2018年6月19日

參考譯文:An amended draft of personal tax code to was submitte to the third bimonthly session of the Standing Committee of the thirteenth National Congress. It is its seventh tax overhaul since 1980. The amendment mainly includes raising the personal tax threshold to RMB5,000 per month from the current RMB3,500 level, and firstly making the taxation covering all personal income from income to personal services, rewards and royalties writers earn.

解析:第一句有兩個分句,似乎是可以將第二個分句放到第一個分句的“個人所得稅法”裡,補充說明“第七次重大修改”。不過,這樣會造成意思的重疊,不明確。因此,折分成兩句,會讓意思層次更為清晰一些。同時,用強調句it is...that...結構,更易讓讀者瞭解此次修訂的重要性。"首次實行綜合徵稅”如果按字面來翻譯,會很輕易地寫成“firstly realise/take comprehensive tax"然後帶一個定語從句。不過,如果反過來,將"綜合徵稅”放到前面,將前面的內容變成其補語,則讓句子結構更簡單。






