


1.The view on Westerners are influenced by the view on the West, which has not been so greatly lately… Brexit, Trump, etc.

Westerners also get preferential treatment and some are “losers back home” whose less desirable attributes eventually surface but still get the preferential treatment that they don’t deserve, leading to resentment towards them which may spread to a wider stereotype.



2.I’m sorry, but what the hell are you talking about?

I’ve been in China 23 years. Still live here. I interact with Chinese on a daily basis, both professionally (business) and socially (bars, social events, etc.). And I haven’t experienced anything even remotely like “Westerners being looked down on” in China. At least, not any more so than at any point in the past 23 years (and quite a bit better than 23 years ago, when many people still believed that Westerners were “foreign devils”).

Nor do I know any other foreigners here who feel this way.

Perhaps you can expand on what exactly it is that led you to conclude that this is happening?





3.I always believe misunderstandings could be eliminated by communicating.

Sorry, I didn't noticed there is this “fashion” and it suddenly becomes significant in general recently. The data suggests the foreign residents in China are keeping increasing and Confucius institution has been keeping increasing its reaches, it's a mutual way of learning each other.

From what I have seen in quora, the number of provocative questions and answers regarding China are highly related to live affairs, the last case is Trump's tweets.

We (Chinese) are still on our way to regain some national and cultural confidence since we lost it in the past, in total, I don't think we have already got cocky and started looking down upon other people.

So, it's OK.






4.During my six years in Shanghai (2006–2012) I met some Chinese who looked down on some foreigners for drinking too much in public, doing drugs, getting in fights with locals and for dating/sleeping with Chinese girls. Some of these instances were splashed across Chinese media, such as the foreigners selling drugs near the Bus Bar in central Beijing.

But I wouldn’t generalize (like in your question), other than to say some foreigners are looked down upon for their misbehavior, just as in any country.




5.6+ years in China, have never seen westerners being looked down upon. They are highly celebrated; top selection if you lined up to job interview for English teaching. No need saying, it is same when they are dating with locals.

However, due to Donald Trump and his comments on China, perhaps a temporary wave is going here. It happens sometime. Social media and mainstream media can influence these guys bit.

However, in general westerners are doing well here.




6.China is again entering into a nationalist period in which China will resume the profile of a great power anxious to spread her influence. As a result foreigners are beginning to be regarded as surplus too requirements. Foreign invested schools are being bought by local education groups and wages being equalized to local rates.

Now it may be said that a lot of modestly talented foreigners are banging around China seeking their fortune. Indeed, even myself, a modest MBA, can readily gain employment as a university lecturer, whereas anywhere else I would need a PhD and twenty publications as an absolute minimum. And we are paid significantly more than locals with good overseas degrees.

Places like Shanghai too are replete with adventurers trying to get rich quick by buying visas and keeping a low profile. The local resentment of the very privileged positions we foreigners occupy, especially in the education sector, is palpable and barely disguised. I am aware that Chinese are mostly generous hosts and give us better conditions because they know we're are used to a soft life whereas locals can be asked to “eat bitterness”吃苦。



7.I feel sorry to say that the true situation is just the OPPOSITE!

Westerners are more abnormally rescpected than they should be(like ordinary Chinese people).In fact,Chinese people are eager to help foreingers(they may want to practice their English or just out of curiosty,who knows?)

For example,in China,some foreigners choose to help native people to report the cases to the police.Because a case reported by a foreigner will be solved quicklier than by Chinese.

There was a popular proverb saying “More round the moon in foreign countries” which is enough to say the “respect”.

As for the reason, i guess it may be the history issues. China fell behind all the western world in the Qing dynasty. China used to learn from the western countries,but was invaded by her teachers.Thus some people feel terrified of them, or adored the advanced technology and respect the people who own them.

Thoughts like that are rooted in some Chinese’s minds though China has developed a lot.







8.Sometimes we hear rants like “ laowai are ignorant, they don't get this or that” etc. More so than before. But so what? They are still celebrated and given a lot of slack.

If that is the definition of being “looked down”, I want to be looked down.



9.As a westerner who lives in China my whole impression is that the Chinese respect and like us on the whole - although, away from the biggest cities they are also quite surprised that we really exist and tend to gawp, especially when I am with my kids


10.It is not looking down. It is just realized that American/British does not always work, which has its own limitation. America is just another country, neither heaven nor hell.

This is important, since it is the first time that the majority of Chinese start to understand that American/British has its own limitations, and China can seek a totally new one.Chinese system can be equally respected if it performs well with a good philosophical, ideological, historical, social foundation, all of which China had in its history.



11.I haven’t noticed that Westerners are being looked down upon by Chinese people in China any more or less recently, so I can’t tell you a reason why this is happening.


12.I was looking for the answers to the same question for some time myself. The experience I have collected with Chinese over the years lead me to agree with the premise that some Chinese do look down upon the west.

I would also like to understand better, but so far only managed to collect the data. The phenomenon can be seen almost exclusively among Chinese men. The group of wannabees, who are climbing the social ladder. They have a very boosted ego that can not be backed up by substance. These people are very difficult to deal with and foreigners will never be able to reach a mutual understanding or agreement with them. Recently more and more men are showing tell-signs of western-fobia, while undeniably try to keep up with the Jonses. They will show off a lot, sometimes even drive themselves into debt to be able to keep the appearance of a well established person. Recently I have also noticed that Chinese women also feel antipathy towards them.



13.It is not recently. It has a long history. America claims they have a free land, however, America had Chinese Exclusion Act in history for a long time. Western country has not treat China as equal yet.


14.Don’t think so. Westerners are pretty much looked up to still. I have just received a request from a Chinese conference organiser asking me to recommend international participants who are white.

My observation is that some Chinese just can’t help thinking they are inferior to the whites. I once met some university professor kept nagging me to carry the bag for my western colleague. I did not want to offend him as he was our host. But I said to him: “I am a woman. He is a man. Isn’t that a gentleman is supposed to hold the bag for a women in China, not the other way around?” Of course, he could not accept that westerners are not gentlemen like, so he gave up.



15.First provide facts if you want to ask why. Give us some supporting facts to your claim.


16.This question is wrong.

Chinese are envious of and love White Westerners.



17.It not what they done it more like what they don’t do. Look when a Chinese receive a gift they always turn it away and say there is no need for it althought they really want it. Out of politeness they always turn it away, but you need to insist that they accept the gift out of friendship. Finealy they accept it.

The Chinese are always are nice to them, because they are a quest and we are the host. With this mentallity we do our best for them. But since foreigner do not understand this and never turn done the gift out of politeness. It would look like they are taking advantage out of the situation.

Also when a foreigner misbehave we never lecture them about it. Because lecture someone that do not understand the culture is not polite.

But evey time when a head of state come for a state visits they all bitch about China. That there is no equality, human right or discrimination against minority ect ect…

Those foreigner that support these statement do not understand that the Chinese are 3rd hand citizen after the foreigner and minority. The foreigner have more right then the Chinese.







