
大清铜币,学名清代机制铜圆,钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字代表地名,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧为年份。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端是“光绪(或宣统)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。



1906年(光绪三十二年)7月, 清政府处户部又奏请朝廷, 拟将当时全国24处铜元局, 酌量归并为九处, 如折中所述:“然中国幅员辽阔, 若如全国仅设一厂,转运恐形不便,惟有相度地势之拼。除臣部所设总厂外,拟以山东归并直隶为一厂,湖南归并湖北为一厂,江西、安徽、江苏、清江并归江宁一厂,浙江归并福建为一厂, 广西归并广东为一厂。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四厂,共九处, 皆归臣部统辖,调剂盈虚, 彼此均可匀拨。”在归并铜元局得以顺利实施的同时,又限定各省每日铸造铜元数额,以避免重蹈滥造的覆辙。此后,清政府将户部改称“度支部”,命各省造币厂改称度支部造币分厂,欲统而治之,巩固中央造币集权。

Qing copper coin, scientific name of Qing dynasty mechanism copper coin, has four Chinese characters "Qing copper coin" in the center of the coin surface, with a small character embedded to represent the place name, and the Manchu word "Qing copper coin" on the top and the year on both sides. In the middle of the edge are two Chinese characters "household department" and at the lower end are "ten Chinese characters for making money". The central part of Qian Bei is a coiled dragon, the upper part is "made in Guangxu (or Xuantong) year" and the lower part is English "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" (copper coin of Qing empire).

Foundry is relatively uniform throughout the country. Founding began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu reign in Qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong reign). The circulation time was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout, excellent carving, and extremely rare existence in the world, the Qing Dynasty bronze coins were made in the Guangxu period by the household department and were honored as one of the ten most famous coins in modern China.

There are many types of copper coins in Qing Dynasty, especially the ten. A number of Qing emperors issued copper coins as currency during their reign. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, making the transaction more convenient. Today, the Qing copper coins also have certain collection value. Many collectors are fond of the Qing copper coins, and collecting a variety of copper coins has become their goal.

In July 1906 (the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign), the Qing government's household department invited the government to merge the 24 copper and yuan bureaus in the country at that time into nine. as stated in the compromise: "however, China is a vast country, if only one factory is set up in the country, transportation will be inconvenient, and only the terrain can be matched. In addition to the general factory set up by the minister department, it is planned to merge Shandong into Zhili as a factory, Hunan into Hubei as a factory, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Qingjiang into Jiangning as a factory, Zhejiang into Fujian as a factory, and Guangxi into Guangdong as a factory. There are altogether nine factories in Fengtian, Henan, Sichuan and Yunnan, all under the jurisdiction of the minister's department, which can adjust surplus and deficiency and allocate them to each other. " The successful implementation of the merger of the copper yuan bureau also limited the amount of copper yuan to be cast in each province every day to avoid the mistake of making it indiscriminately. Since then, the Qing government changed the name of the household department to "Du Branch" and ordered the coin factories of all provinces to be renamed Du Branch's coin factories in order to consolidate the centralization of the central coinage.

这一时期铜元的显著特点,正面均钤有汉文“大清铜币”字样,左右边缘分列“户部”和干支纪年文字, 后期去掉“户部”, 仅留干支纪年文字, 上缘列满文“大清铜币”, 下缘列纪值文字; 背面为统一蟠龙, 又称“部颁龙”或“大清龙”, 上缘前期为“光绪年造”、后期为“宣统年造”字样,下缘为英文“TAI—CIIING—TI—KUO COPPER COIN”, 汉译为“大清帝国铜币”。户部所铸铜元正面中央无文字,各省所铸铜元正面中央铸一阴文单省名,也有个别为阳文以示区别。



清代铸造机制铜圆讫1900年(光绪二十六年)始,至1911年(宣统三年)止,历时十余年。1900年广东开铸铜圆之后,清政府谕令沿江沿海各省仿铸时,并未规定统一的格式。全国各地皆自行开模铸造,各行其是。因此,大多未曾镌刻纪年,仅江南、江苏、奉天三省,除铸造无纪年当十铜圆之外,另铸造了数种干支纪年铜圆。其中,江南铸有壬寅(光绪二十八年,1902年)、癸卯(光绪二十九年,1903年)、甲辰(光绪三十年,1904年)、乙巳(光绪三十一年,1905年)四种年号当十铜圆;江苏铸有壬寅、癸卯两种年号当十铜圆;奉天铸有癸卯、甲辰、乙巳、丙午(光绪三十二年,1906年)四种年号当十铜圆。 1906年,清政府下令停铸“光绪元宝”,改铸“大清铜币”,并颁布统一的祖模,命各地仿铸。故全国共二十个省局铸造的“大清铜币”,尽皆镌铸干支年号,无一例外。现存世的清代“大清铜币”当十,共发现乙巳、丙午、丁未(光绪三十三年,1907年)、戊申(光绪三十四年,1908年)、己酉(宣统元年,1909年)、辛亥(宣统三年,1911年)六种年号。


The distinctive feature of the copper coins in this period is that the front is inscribed with the words "Qing copper coins" in Chinese, and the left and right edges are divided into "household department" and "gan zhi Ji nian". in the later period, "household department" is removed, leaving only the words of gan zhi Ji nian. the upper edge is inscribed with the words "Qing copper coins" and the lower edge is inscribed with the words of Ji value. On the back is the unified dragon, also known as the "ministerial dragon" or "Qing dragon". the upper edge is made in the early Guangxu period, the later is made in the xuantong period, and the lower edge is English "tai-ciiing-ti-kuo copper coin", which is translated into Chinese as "copper coin of Qing empire". The central part of the front face of the copper yuan cast by the household department has no characters, while the central part of the front face of the copper yuan cast by each province has a single provincial name in yin, and some of them are in yang to show the difference.

From the beginning of Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty to 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu's reign), Governor De Shou of Guangdong and Guangxi and former Governor Li Hongzhang made a copy of Hong Kong's copper fairy to cast the bronze round. Compared with square-hole copper coins, machine-made copper coins are better cast, and are used for business and pleasure in the city, with smooth circulation. The following year, the Qing government ordered the provinces along the river and the coast to allow imitation casting. After that, all parts of the country started casting copper round. Therefore, when the casting sites of the ten copper circles are different, this is the most obvious feature to distinguish different ten copper circles.

The "Qing copper coin" was cast in 19 provincial bureaus when it was ten copper coins. In addition to the central household department casting, local provinces cast copper round, are engraved on the front of the central yin or yang province name abbreviation. There are: 1. Central Household Department; 2. Straight; 3. Kyrgyzstan; 4. Bong; 5. Bian; 6. Hubei; 7. Hunan; 8. Sichuan; 9. Clouds; 10. Yunnan; 11. Sichuan and Yunnan; 12. Jiangxi; 13. Fujian; 14. Guangdong; 15. Zhejiang; 16. Su; 17. Anhui; 18. East; 19. Ning. Among them, auspicious words are the least. Sichuan, Yunnan and Yunzi take second place. Yunnan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and East again. I see more than one.

It took more than ten years from 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu reign) to 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong reign) for the Qing Dynasty to produce the bronze round. After Guangdong started casting copper round in 1900, the Qing government did not stipulate a uniform format when ordering the provinces along the river and the coast to imitate casting. All parts of the country have their own mold-opening and casting operations. As a result, most of them have not been inscribed with a calendar. Only the three provinces of Jiangnan, Jiangsu and Fengtian have cast a number of bronze circles of the main branches and years in addition to the ten bronze circles without a calendar. Among them, Renyin (28th year of Guangxu, 1902), Guimao (29th year of Guangxu, 1903), Jiachen (30th year of Guangxu, 1904) and Yisi (31st year of Guangxu, 1905) were cast in the south of the Yangtze River with four titles of ten copper coins. Jiangsu has Renyin and Guimao as ten bronze circles. Fengtian has cast ten copper coins with four titles: Gui Mao, Jia Chen, Yi Si and Bing Wu (Guangxu 32 years, 1906). In 1906, the Qing government ordered the casting of "Guangxu silver ingot" to be stopped and replaced with "Qing copper coins" and issued a unified ancestor mold, ordering all localities to imitate the casting. Therefore, all the "Qing copper coins" cast by 20 provincial bureaus in the country are inscribed with the year numbers of the branches, without exception. The existing Qing dynasty "Qing copper coins" numbered ten, with six titles found: yi si, bing Wu, ding Wei (33 years of Guangxu, 1907), Wu Shen (34 years of Guangxu, 1908), Ji you (first year of Xuantong, 1909) and Xin hai (third year of Xuantong, 1911).

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the central government expressly stipulated that the materials used for casting copper circles were 97%-98.3% red copper, 2-3% zinc, 1% tin and other combinations. The copper content was the ordinary version. At that time, the official version was 75%-85% copper. Most provincial bureaus cast the ten copper circles as qualified red copper circles. In addition, most provincial bureaus have forged red copper round when ten copper round is in line with regulations, but some provincial bureaus have still forged brass round with copper content of only 70%.



Now it has been found in the existing ten bronze circles, the brass circles forged by Sichuan, Fengtian, Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Beiyang, Shandong, Henan and Fujian provinces. Among them, most of the ten copper circles made in Fengtian are yellow copper, and few are red copper. Sichuan, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces have made brass circles, which are relatively abundant in the existing world and are still hard to find. The yellow copper cast by other provincial bureaus is ten copper rounds, which is extremely rare in the world and is now available but not available.

The second group of Qing copper coins is made up of four coins in a group of ten coins, with thick paste, obvious characteristics of orderly inheritance and excellent quality. With the passage of time, the ancient coins have been quietly lost and gradually reduced, and the ancient coins have the characteristics of non-duplication. Therefore, people gradually realize the significance and value of coin collection.
