


今天投必得學術繼續給大家帶來“SCI寫作高頻詞、詞組系列”,來總結一下SCI論文中“結果”(Results) 部分的詞和詞組。


1. 研究結果的總結概括:對本課題所有結果的overview, 闡述與研究問題相關的結果和順序。這裡注意,千萬不要重複闡述之前“材料與方法”中介紹過的實驗方法部分。

2. 每一部分結果的詳細闡述:結果部分的描述順序最好要與材料與方法部分、圖片的順序保持一致。這一部分首先是介紹做每一部分實驗的研究目的。其次介紹研究結果,列出結果在哪些圖片、表格中得到了體現與驗證。接下來,描述本部分中的實驗結果,再詳細闡述本部分最具有代表性的重點數據結果。最後,如果有必要,對結果進行陳述性概括,但這部分不宜篇幅過長。


第一部分 研究結果總括

1. 總結概括類的表達方式:overview, large-scale, a large overlap, altogether, aggregating, as described above, in summary, combined analyses of data from,

2. 目的修飾副詞的表述方法:functionally, freshly, publicly, highly, exclusively, simultaneously, technically, Specifically,

3.執行動詞的表述方法:developed, interrogated, undertaken, enable, understand, widely implemented, visualized, trained, infer, currently used, predicted, extensively studied, treated with, determined, reverse, adapt, generated, targeted, pooled, delivered, assigned to, found, designed, transducer, obtained, require, shape, infer, profile, obtained, chosen, sought to, map, consider, filter, possess, disrupt, remain, recruited, scaled, successfully designed, summarize,

4. 花樣“評估”的描述方法:examined, tested, evaluated, assess, investigate, calculated, counted, measured,

5. 如何進行“推斷”:infer, reason, conclude,

6. 如何“採用”的描述方法:performed, applied, commonly used, conducted,

7. 如何“改變”的描述方法:alter, modulate, regulate,

8. 各個角度進行“觀察”:observed, detected, found, seen, detectable,

9. 特徵名詞的表述方法:

exceptional response, sensitivity, specificity, vulnerabilities, classification, aberrations, variable importance, measurement, accessibility, with high fidelity, alternations, annotation, patterning, complexity,

10. 特徵形容詞的表述方法:predictive, sensitive, insufficient, histologic, functional, unbiased, elevated, available, selective, dispersed, normalized and differentially expressed, informative, potentially effective, highly sensitive to, comparable, independent, noticeable, sound, regulatory, repressive, robust, promising, confirmed,

11. “基於/來源”的表述方法:derive from, based on, underlying, obtained from,

12.“共同”的表示方法:shared, common,

13. 各自的表示方法:individually, respectively,

14.“舉個例子”的舉例:as an example, for example, such as,

第二部分 統計數據的表述方式

1.有統計學意義的表述:significance, significant, pronounced, significantly, statistical, statistically significant

2.有“聯繫”的表述方法:correlation, associated with, a clear relation, a correlation with, these associations,

3.“脫離聯繫”的表述方法:dissociated from,

4. 閾值相關的表達方式:set a cutoff,

5. 影響因素、特徵的表述方法:factors, features, characteristics, components,

6. 連接詞的表述方法:

–順序:as well as; either ...or, neither...nor, thus, then, also, therefore,

–轉折:however, nevertheless, since, while, whereas, in contrast,

–遞進:moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, further, first, next, finally,

7. 增加/減少的表示方法:increased, elevated, decreased, induced, rescued, minimize,

8. 常見的統計描述方法:fold change, p-value, adjust P value,

9. 統計質控的描述方法:after quality control exclusions, remove batch effect

第三部分 描述圖表結果

1. 根據期刊的格式,圖表的多種表達形式來描述圖表結果。 這裡注意一點,在有些期刊的格式中,Figure或者Table,在引述時需要字體加黑。

– 全稱:

• 一張圖:Figure 2

• 多個圖:Figures 2A, 2B, 或者 Figures 2A-B

• 補充材料圖:Figures S2A, S2B, 或者 Figures S2A-B

• 一張表:Table 1

• 補充材料表:Table S1, Supplementary Table 5

– 縮寫:

• 圖片:Fig. 1A, Supplementary Fig. 1, Fig. S1

2. 陽性結果的相關描述:mixing experiment, the remain two modules, among the three predominant modules, a search of; analyses using ... data,

3. 陰性結果的相關描述:fail to,

4. 代表性數據的相關描述:these fingdings, these results suggest that, these experiments, further studies, in the analyses of data from; summarize the results,

5. 重要結果闡述標誌詞:interestingly, surprisingly, indeed, importantly, more broadly, highlight, primarily, notably, remarkably,

6.“說明,認為”的表述方法:demonstrating, show, suggest, displayed, revealed, reflect, exhibit, hinted, appeared to,

7. 實驗結果的多種表達形式:these findings, these results, these experiments, these models,

8. 承上啟下,“作為進一步研究”:selected for further investigation, further studies, further exploration, subsequent analysis,


met the above criteria, usethe following criteria,

第四部分 其他

1.研究目的:according to, for this, as might be expected, due to,

2.研究目的的提示詞:to study, to investigate, to verify, to cross-check, to initially test, to eliminate the likelihood of; to further prioritize ..., given its potential involvement, to determine, to further distinguish the function of, to test whether, to understand, to select,

3.根據以往研究的描述:as previously described, is similar to previously published ..., has been previously reported, described previously, had previously found evidence of association

4.符合預期的描述方法:as expected, be expected to,

5.“與……一致/兼容”的表述方法:consistent with, compatible with, large similarities, similar to, match with, consistently,

6.各種“驗證”的表述方法:validated, identified, indicate,

7.“快速”的表述方法:rapid, dramatic,

8.“整合”的表述方法:interrogation, comprehensive,

9.“框架”的整體觀:framework, pipeline, overview,

10.“包含/不包含”的幾種表述方法:containing, including, excluded from; ranged from A to B; be composed of, consist of, included, recruited,
