每天学个英语词汇:fired up

Fired up, 意思是激动的,热情的。"The students are totally fired up about the upcoming math competition," 学生们兴奋地期待着即将举行的数学竞赛。"The candidate got the crowd fired up with his promise to create more jobs," 候选人保证创造更多的就业机会,引起了集会群众的热烈反响。美国这次国会中期选举, "Republican voters are more fired up than Democrat voters," 共和党选民比民主党选民的热情更高昂。"After last week’s win, the team is really fired up," 上星期赢了比赛后,球队斗志格外昂扬。

好的,今天我们学习的词是fired up. 赶紧试试用这个英语词组在下面留言区造个句子吧!