英语绘本故事-Dad By My Side

英语绘本故事-Dad By My Side



With Dad by my side, there’s nothing we can’t do.

He knows how to make me smile.

He’s not afraid to look silly

No matter how busy he is, he always makes time.

We love to try new things together.

Eggshells in our omelets don’t bother us at all.

He comforts me when I’m sad.

I make him feel better, too.

Neither of us likes it when he has to go away.

But he doesn’t miss a single lullaby, even when he’s far from home.

We fill our house with special marks.

He teaches me.

And I teach him, too.

We love to cuddle.

He always makes space.

He tells the best stories.

He makes every room feel cozy.

He protects me from monsters under the bed.

He helps me. And I help him, too.

I don’t matter what we’re doing, as long as we’re together.

With Dad by my side, I can reach the stars.

