高考英语考纲词汇举例 connection consequence


connection n.联系;关联:

His statement had no connection with anything that had gone before.他的声明与此前发生的任何事情都无关。

consequence n.后果:

The safety procedures had been ignored, with potentially tragic consequences.安全程序被忽视了,这有可能带来悲剧性后果。

consider v.考虑;把…看作;认为:

All things considered, I’m sure he will win. 纵观一切,我相信他会赢。

She is considering changing her job. 她在考虑换工作。


2.表示“认为…是…,通常用“consider+宾语+as+名词或形容词”,其中的as可省略或换成to be。

considerate a.关心的,体贴的,替他人着想的:

Diana is a considerate boss who is always willing to listen.戴安娜是一位体贴的老板,总是乐于听取意见。

consideration n.斟酌,考虑:

There are several plans under consideration.有几项计划正在讨论中。

consist v.(不用进行时)在于,决定于;由……组成:

The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient building.


consist of 由……组成

consist in 在于;存在于

consist with 符合;与…一致

constant a.始终如一的,恒久不变的;持续不断的:

Sam was in constant pain.塞姆疼痛不止。

construction n. [U]建造,建设 [C]构造物,建筑物:

A new railroad is under construction. 一条新的铁路正在修建中。

consult v.(向专业人员)咨询,请教:

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.如果症状持续,立即就医。

consume v.消耗;消费:

As a country, we consume a lot more than we produce.
