NVIDIA GTC Digital 线上大会再添 70 个小时新内容

GTC Digital 线上大会已经吸引了

41,000 余名开发者、研究人员和技术专家注册报名,这个数字,是我们对原本线下举行计划预期的四倍。


通过与来自亚马逊、谷歌、Facebook,微软,皮克斯,斯坦福大学和沃尔玛等组织优秀的演讲者们深度合作,我们得以在这周发布 70 多个小时的新内容。统计下来,已经发布的在线研讨会、演讲、专家在线沟通、研究论文海报、演示和播客的内容总时长已经超过了 200 小时

现在,全球开发者都可以访问这些免费内容,或者参加由我们深度学习学院(Deep Learning Institute)提供的讲师指导的培训课程。

点播内容也会免费提供给大家。我们将在每周四(北京时间每周五)发布 GTC 内容更新,并将其持续到 4 月 24 日。

大家仅需注册 GTC Digital 线上大会,即可收看 NVIDIA 向每位与会者提供的 30 天点播内容。此外,我们也将向 NVIDIA 开发者计划成员提供




Deep Learning Demystified – Will Ramey, Global Head of Developer Programs, NVIDIAThe Future of GPU Ray Tracing – Leaders from Autodesk, Pixar, Weta Digital, Redshift, OTOY, Chaos Group and NVIDIAAccelerating the Fulfillment Decision Process of Walmart E-commerce with GPUs – Chenxin Ma and Mingang Fu, senior data scientists at Walmart LabsAccelerating Cancer Research: VDI by Day, Compute by Night – Roel Sijstermans, IT Manager, Netherlands Cancer Institute; Jits Langedijk, Senior Solutions Architect, NVIDIA; Mark Platte, IT Architect, NKI-AVLNext-Gen Rendering Technology at Pixar – Max Liani, Senior RenderMan Lead Engineer, PIXAR


Analyze, Visualize and Turn Data into Insights with AI – GPU-accelerated analytics using 500 million aircraft flight data recordsMars Lander Simulation – Modeling a vehicle’s descent to Mars with a 150 terabyte NASA datasetAI Denoising and Interactive Ray Tracing with Blender – How to enhance professional rendering using Blender Cycles and NVIDIA RTX GPUs


Kathy Baxter of Salesforce Discusses Building Ethical TechnologyStanford’s Margot Gerritsen on the Role of Women in Data Science

美国时间 4 月 24 日前,我们将持续每周发布大会更新内容。详情见会议目录。